Society & Culture

Spinning in Al Johary. Louay Babakir Siddiq: Will we regain our lives after the war?


Sudan Events: Magda Hassan

Director Louay Babiker Siddiq said that he used to hear the name of the singer Amer Al-Johary, but he heard and did not recognize him except on the Blue Nile Channel in the year 2005-2006 – during a Ramadan evening (Nile O Night ) prepared by Al-Siddiq and the creative radio and TV personality, Al-Shafi’ Abdel Aziz.

He wrote, commenting on me: Amer Al-Johary has a different voice, he has a lot of sadness he doesn’t sing, I speak directly , and his words are singing. Years passed and I worked a lot for Amer.

Eight years ago, he sent me five new songs, including “Shadow of the Spirit ” by Mahmoud Al-Jili.

Years later, we were able to record the song for him, and as usual in production, You never feel the value of work only after many years.

You may enjoy it at the time, but you feel its value after a long period.

He said, “Our singing contains a description of life and its methods .”

Mahmoud described in this song, any Sudanese house and tuched your inner feelings ,” and Amer delighted us with it. He added:

the question. After this senseless war, is there a way to restore our normal lives? Is it a Sudan with its laws, its divisions, and its cities, all of us gathered in it, without any color or tribe? Is it possible for Sudan to be first? We cannot be blamed.

We are people who live in peace, as Ammar Al-Sanousi sang

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