Society & Culture

Khartoum Governor to Treat Actress Faiza Amseeb Abroad


Sudan Events: Magda Hassan

Governor of Khartoum, Ahmed Osman Hamza, payed a visits to many figures in Sudan who suffer from illness and have been crippled by the on going war.

The distinguished visit included Actress Faiza Amseeb, sports commentator Al-Rashid Badawi, and journalist Mohamed Hamid Juma Nawar.

The visit came to check on the health of those symbols and to stand with them in this ordeal.

During his visit to Fayiza Amseeb, the governor appreciated her long career in drama, and her works remain engraved in the conscience of the Sudanese viewer.

The governor expressed his regret for the repercussions of the war that affected the treatment of the able actress, Faiza Amseeb, stressing the state’s support for her to continue treatment , besides reaching treatment abroad. He said that Faeza deserves more than that.

The visit was attended by the Acting Director General of the Ministry of Social Development, Saif Mukhtar, Dr. Khaled Al-Daw, and radio director Mohamed Bashir Dafallah.

The governor added that creative people are generous people who have given a lot to the homeland, but they are chaste in expressing their own conditions.

He added: We suffer when there is a creative person present in places we cannot reach, but we have great hope in the progress of the armed forces, as it enables us to reach the citizens who are suffering from the militia’s siege, we More keen on their lives.

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