
North Darfur: Enabling Organizations to Withdraw their Deposits


Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Governor of North Darfur State, Al-Hafiz Bakhit Mohammad, has promised to sit with the director of the Central Bank of Sudan, El-Fasher branch, and the banks to discuss how to resume work in the coming period. During his meeting at his office in El-Fasher, the governor briefed the director of the organization, Ayoub Arabi (Wednesday), on the initiative presented by the Al-Tabashir Aid and Development Organization working in the humanitarian field regarding reopening the banks in order to enable organizations operating in the state to withdraw their financial deposits in preparation for providing humanitarian services to the displaced people (IDPs) in shelter centers.
Arabi explained the suffering they are facing due to the cessation of the work of banks. The director of the Al-Tabashir Organization for Aid and Development revealed in press statements after the meeting, pointing out the importance of opening banks under the leadership of the state and localities to facilitate financial procedures for organizations working in the humanitarian field in general and for his organization in particular so that they can provide services to those affected by conflicts and wars in the Darfur region.
The lack of liquidity as a result of the closure of banks has greatly affected the implementation of projects, especially with regard to paying contractors and suppliers of food and shelter supplies that the organization provides to IDPs in shelter centers.
Arabi added that his organization will work to provide services to the IDPs in the areas of water, environmental sanitation, protection, and shelter, and he expressed his thanks and appreciation to all organizations and initiatives, and to the volunteers who work under the living and security conditions, which he described as difficult, as he put it, in order to provide humanitarian services to the IDPs in shelter centers for those affected.

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