
Pharmaceutical Companies Invest in Gedaref


Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

A number of major pharmaceutical companies in the country have begun procedures to establish pharmaceutical factories in Gedaref State, taking advantage of the investment advantages and facilities in Gedaref.

The Director of Pharmaceutical Control at the National Council for Drugs and Poisons, Dr. Ahmed Salah Qureshi in the state, explained in press statements that over the past months, Gedaref has been receiving pharmaceutical companies and reconciling their situations, in addition to attracting some major companies to work from Gedaref as a distribution point for all states of Sudan.

Qureshi revealed that renewal processes for pharmaceutical companies are continuing after completing hosting operations last year.

He said that the pharmaceutical situation is excellent in the state, pointing to the ongoing monitoring operations on drug sites at the state level.

The Director of Pharmaceutical Control at the National Council for Drugs and Poisons in Gedaref visited the Secretary-General of the National Council for Drugs and Poisons at the center recently and reassured the pharmaceutical situation and the ongoing procedures in operations , Licensing and reconciling the status of companies and institutions, indicating the state’s approval and preparations to open pharmaceutical investment horizons in the state.

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