
JEM Appreciates Al-Burhan’s Visit to the Movement’s Trainees in Kassala

Kassala – Sudan Events

Babiker Hamdeen, Secretary of Social Affairs of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement JEM and Minister of Health and Social Welfare of the Darfur Regional Government, appointed the visit made by Lt.Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF .
He appreciated his inspection of the training camp of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement JEM who responded the appeal of the nation with all courage and valor , With a patriotic spirit and high enthusiasm, they joined their assembly camp in Kassala State.
Hamdeen said in a statement to (SUNA) that their forces have completed their combat training and are fully prepared and ready to participate in protecting citizens and their property, defending them, and liberating all the desecrated lands of the country from the rebellion, starting from the state of Gezira and the capital, Khartoum.
He added that this visit has a great impact on raising spirit among the forces and will contribute to the performance of their duty.

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