
The American Envoy and Waving of Stick

By: Zain Al-Abideen Saleh Abdul Rahman

After American envoy Tom Perriello toured a number of countries neighboring Sudan and ended in Saudi Arabia, and met with a number of Sudanese in that country, he decided to begin his mediation project in the ongoing war in Sudan by raising the sharp stick, believing that it is the means that will make everyone submit. The American mind has not yet comprehended America’s lessons in Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Philippines, and a number of Latin American countries. Perriello must realize that the will of the people is invincible and cannot be broken or weakened by such a threat. Rather, the threat will complicate the problem even more. Instead of understandings on the issue at hand, the session turns into challenges. Periello wants to follow the same path that was started by former American Ambassador John Godfrey, who stubbornly led the country to war. Periello also wants the war to continue, with its threat constantly present. It prevents it (the country) from stability and development.
The American envoy to Sudan hopes to resume negotiations between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the first third of next April. He said, “The priorities of the American administration in Sudan are to reach an agreement to end the violence immediately, ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid, restore civil transition, and build a professional army.” I do not think there is anyone who rejects that, but building a professional army is a matter that concerns the Sudanese people and does not accept any interference from a foreign country, and the Sudanese are able to build their national institutions in a way that guarantees them professionalism and performing their tasks in the required manner.
The Sudan Tribune newspaper reported that Tom Perriello requested in a press conference (that the next negotiating round include all parties in the region, the African Union, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. The envoy rejected the participation of the former regime in the negotiation, saying: “Extremists and extremists must not be allowed to return to power through power-sharing agreements.”) This statement “Emirati vision” and that Emirati influence has begun to appear clearly in the American envoy, which will negatively affect any talks he wants to hold. The presence of the UAE, which is considered the largest military supporter of the militia in the talks, will be the reason for ending them before they begin. Also, inviting a number of African presidents, especially in the IGAD organization, is the Emirati desire that made it buy many of them with money… The American envoy’s speech in his press conference clarifies the goal of his tour that he made in a number of countries, and it is a tour that is not to listen to opinions about… the issue, rather, is a tour that was for the sake of mobilization and that the UAE desires. The non-return of extremists to power is a matter for the Sudanese people to decide and not imposed on them from outside… The question to Perriello is why, after its invasion of Afghanistan and bringing in a group brought from European and American countries, the United States decided to withdraw and return the Taliban to rule, and America was even unable to carries it followers with it and makes them hang on the wings of its planes and drop dead bodies? The belief was that the envoy who was chosen would study history books about Sudan and read about the original Sudanese character and not the modified one, and he had to avoid Godfrey’s path…
Then the American envoy waved the stick when he talked about the war, targeting the army by saying, “There are accusations against the army of deliberately launching air strikes on civilian targets that caused widespread damage to civilians, while the Rapid Support Forces are accused of committing crimes of genocide and sexual violence related to the conflict, occupying citizens’ homes, killing them, and torturing them.” (Piriello’s statement is the same as the statements made by the leaders of “the FFC central council and Taqaddum), which confirms that the American envoy is trying to implement the idea of ​​the American ambassador, John Godfrey, which failed, and which is what caused the ongoing war, which he wants to extinguish, that the threat that began. The American envoy made his tour before he met with the leadership of the army and the political forces inside Sudan. He will complicate his mission. He had to hear from everyone and deal with everyone on the same level, and as long as he preferred bias, he must be prepared to leave behind him the rewards of failure. We ask God for a good ending..

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