
Views on the decision to cancel the thousand-pound currency

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The former Secretary of the Tax Office, the financial expert, Ahmed Adam Salem, downplayed the importance of canceling the one thousand pound note a year after the outbreak of war, looting, robbery, and bank transfers.
Salem told (Al-Ahdath) in response to what was reported by (Al-Karama) newspaper that the decision will have limited impact in limiting the benefit from the Sudanese currency, and he attributed this to the fact that it came too late.
Salem believed that the correct decision was to cancel the thousand and five hundred categories, “This decision could have been taken since last year, at the beginning of the attacks on banks, homes, and shops.” He added.
Because most of the money is kept by its owners in the large groups of one thousand and five hundred.
Salem stressed that the correct decision is to change the Sudanese currency since last year when the war broke out and banks and homes were plundered and looted so that those who stole those sums of money would not benefit from them and they would become unaccountable banknotes.
“The government had to provide the necessary money for that, estimated at $150 million,” and added. “I don’t know what is the reason that prevented that decision until now.” He add. “It was also necessary to stop banking transactions through the ‘Your Bank’ application or to control and control that through setting a very specific ceiling for transfers and implementing a strict process to monitor transfers through your bank’s application.” He continued.
Al Karama newspaper reported that the Central Bank is in the process of issuing decisions to cancel the thousand-pound currency as of the end of this March, in addition to raising transfer ceilings through banking applications.

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