Society & Culture

On the second anniversary of his passing: Al-Sir Qaddour…an enduring Career of Creativity

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

The anniversary of the passing of the encyclopedic poet Al-Sir Ahmed Qaddour (1934 – March 30, 2022) passed quietly, not unlike the uproar caused by the absence of his famous program (Songs and Songs).
Modern generations know the late man through this famous Ramadan program broadcast by the Blue Nile Channel, but it is an extended journey over the years that produced a lot. Of creativity at the end of the program.
Al-Sir Qaddour was born in 1934, in the village of Al-Jabbarab, in the Ambouri area , south of the city of Al-Damer, the capital of River Nile State in northern Sudan.
He received some simple religious lessons in “Al-Qurashab Khalwa ( religious institute)in his hometown, then in “Sheikh Majzoub Jalal Al-Din Khalwa where he memorized the Qur’an through narrations. The seven
Qaddour left Sudan in the 1970s for Egypt with his wife of Egyptian origin and his daughters Thuraya, Zainab, Nabila and Amal.
He resided for 26 continuous years in the Zamalek neighborhood in Cairo.
Then he returned in 2000 to Sudan, and in recent years he recorded the famous “Songs and Songs” program that it broadcast. Blue Nile Channel in the month of Ramadan every year.
The deceased began his career on Sudanese radio early in his life, and worked with a group of theatrical actors in preparing and presenting short radio skits that were broadcast on radio programs such as family, women, children, cooperation, and agricultural and health extension programs.
Al-Sir Qaddour appeared on Radio Corner Sudan( Rukan Al Sudan ) which he is considered one of its pillars and the foundations upon which it was founded.
Al-Sir, who is considered a memory of the Sudanese song in all its stages, and a glorious arranger, critic, writer, composer, and playwright, is unparalleled.
Al-Sir Qaddour wrote a number of theatrical texts, including the plays (The Screw), (The Man Who Laughed Last), (The Fourth Honeymoon), and (It will be solved by who complicated it ).
Qaddour also wrote many successful lyric poems that were sung by great singers, including the poem “Earth.” Al-Khair” performed by Ibrahim Al-Kashef, the song “Sitt Al-Banat” by Salah Ibn Al-Badia, “My Nostalgia for You” performed by Mohamed Mirghani, “I Am Your Love” sung by Salah Mohamed Issa, and the poem “We Met Once” by Al-Aqib Mohamed Hassan, and the singer Warda Al- Jazayria ( from AlGeria) sang his poem for him.
Ask the Roses,” and the Syrian singer Zeina renewed her performance of her poem “Asmar Jameel,” which was sung by Ibrahim Al-Kashef and Ard Al-Khair.
The late author wrote a number of books in the field of Sudanese art and Sudanese singers, including (The Book of Sudanese Art in Fifty Years from 1908 AD to 1959 AD), the book (The Bag Poets and Artists, Ahmed Al-Mustafa, the Artist of the Age, Al-Kashif Abu Al-Fan), the book (Amin Al-Toum, A Journey in the History of the Homeland), a reading book. Again, the book (Zaman Al-Nas) and collected all his lyric poems in the collection (Longing and Red)…
After the deceased decided to settle in the country in the year 2006 AD, the year in which he began recording the famous program (Songs and Songs), which is shown during the Ramadan season, but he continued to move between Khartoum and Cairo, and came to record its episodes at the beginning of every year.

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