Society & Culture

Hoda Arabi wins Likes on Al Arabiya channel

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The outfit of Singer Hoda Arabi on Al Arabiya channel, on Monday, found widespread resonance and acceptance that made it to the forefront of discussions on social networking sites, where the presenter of Al Arabiya channel (Laith) wore a Sudanese outfit, beginning the episode by saying that there is no traditional outfit more beautiful than that, so Hoda Arabi surprised him with it during the episode, and told her that he is one of the most beautiful. Palestine in response to her question
From a town called Nablus, she responded quickly to him. (Nablus is the country of Ibrahim Tuqan.. the author of the poem (Eggs of Doves) and she recited verses from it for him.
He was impressed by that. The appearance of Hoda Arab on the Al Arabiya channel was accepted, considering that it is the look required of Sudanese artists who appear on Arab satellite channels.
The singer is not only the throat, and yet she sang and excelled before to surprise them by singing to Fayrouz.

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