
The Army Marches towards Medani…a Battle of Rifles and Tactics

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

After the great victories achieved by the Sudanese Armed Forces in a number of areas in the capital, Khartoum, especially Omdurman, in the Battle of Dignity against the Rapid Support Militia (RSF) , the army is ecstatic about its progress to reclaim Gezira State from the rebels according to preparations with calculated steps, high tactics, and the participation of the forces of the Darfur armed movements factions loyal to the army and a group From the mobilized, according to what a Sudanese army officer informed (Sudan Events) of that information.
Big battle
During the past hours, the Sudanese Armed Forces began the largest military operation in Gezira State in order to reclaim it from the rebel militia that invaded it on December 19 of last year after the withdrawal of the (1st – Infantry) Division of the Sudanese army.
Reveal of details
A Sudanese army officer, who preferred not to be disclosed, revealed to (Sudan Events) that the armed forces began their military operations in Gezira State from the (Al-Faw, Al-Khayari and Sinja) axes.
He confirmed that the army has made significant progress since the start of the military operation in which the armed movements and a group of mobilized personnel participated. He said that the operation had no specific time and that it was open according to the course of the battle and the victories that the army could achieve in it. He pointed to the bad situation that the militia was experiencing in the state of Gezira , saying, “They have become fugitives.” From every village).
Evocation process
On the other hand, the military spokesman for the Justice and Equality Movement forces, Brigadier General Hamid Hajar, said that the first page of the war is progress, considering this one of the most difficult stages, as what is known as preparations take place, where forces gather and what is related to the soldiers’ supplies are provided.
Hajar confirmed to (Sudan Events) that the Sudanese army and the Justice and Equality Movement brigades supporting it have completed their preparations in their gathering places, to implement the general attack plan within the major operations of the Sudanese army and the forces supporting it in the process of liberating Gezira and the capital, Medani. He said, “It is known that the good arrangement in the preparations leads to good results in the attack and then a major victory for the Sudanese army.”
Incursion attempts
Follow-ups (Sudan Events) indicate the progress of the army and its attempts to penetrate into the city of Wad Medani through the battles that took place in the past hours, and indicate that the armed forces did not face resistance from the militia that withdrew from the villages between the states of Gedaref and Gezira with the retreat of the militia in Wad Medani.
A decisive battle
The military expert, Lieutenant General Mohammad Bashir Suleiman, believes that the armed forces, in their operational planning, decided that the battle of the Gezira State would be a “decisive battle” to demolish the goals of the Rapid Support Militia and the United Arab Emirates (the main financier of the war), and he added, “Achieving this requires an assessment of a military position that accommodates a number of complications, saying: Plans and implementation, especially the time factor, are affected by the information and intentions of the enemy, especially an enemy such as the RSF Militia, which is planned from abroad, and from parties with a strategic dimension and advanced military thinking that these forces are not aware of, which requires a great deal of time and effort to achieve the information that operational planning and then implementation are based on it.
Suleiman explained to (Sudan Events) that the beginning that is being talked about now as the start of the Battle of Al-Gezira, according to the military concept of offensive operations, is represented by the hostile combat actions that precede and pave the way for the real battle, and they are complementary to each other.
Steady footsteps
It is certain that the Sudanese Armed Forces will move forward at a steady pace to defeat the RSF Militia and liberate Gezira State from its desecration, based on what was reported by the army officer and military experts to (Sudan Enents) and some information about the decline of Medani militia, in addition to what was reported by the Hassahissa Resistance Committees about a fighting process. An armed attack between two components of the militia resulted in 4 deaths among its ranks and a number of injuries. This is a step that undoubtedly weakens the militia and leads to its disintegration and inability to continue fighting. “”

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