Society & Culture

(Goodbye Julia)… a successful show in Juba

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

As part of the Dirk Cultural Festival, the movie (Goodbye Julia), hosted by South Sudan, will continue on Tuesday evening for two days.
The screening, on Monday, witnessed a large audience, in the presence of producer Amjad Abu Al-Ela and director Muhammad Al-Kordufani, and in the presence of international actress Seran, the star of the movie, in order to participate in the film’s premiere in Juba. Stephen Occella, head of the Warbab band and head of the “Dirk” Cultural Festival, said that Monday’s show was a great success, “Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this great experience, especially the cultural and security authorities in the country.” He added.
The Producer Amjad Abu Al-Ela considered Juba’s presentation one of the most important performances in the film’s history.
He said that the South Sudanese viewer’s reception of this particular film and their interaction with it, with all its bold and shocking presentation of a history of love, racism, unity and separation, greatly affected them. “This wonderful reception of the general public, politicians, ministers and artists added to our hearts an indescribable grief.” He added.
On the other hand, Abu Al-Ala announced that the film will participate on April 18 at the Hollywood Arab Film Festival in the United States of America.

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