Society & Culture

Saif Al-Jamaa in an interview with (Al-Ahdath): Standing with the army is the right position

Saif Al-Jamaa in an interview with (Al-Ahdath)


Standing with the army is the right position


Supporting the armed forces does not mean that we are in favor of war


Announcing the bankruptcy of the artist is shameful, the war affected everyone



After a year of war, are (the situations still the same)?

A question posed by (Al-Ahdath) to a number of artists to seek their opinion during this year.

The artist Saif Al-Jamaa, one of the artists who strongly supports the Sudanese army, specified where he currently stands and the consequences of the war during the year for the artists.


Dialogue – Magda Hassan


*A year with artists without work. How do you find the art field during this year?


Although the war stopped artistic activity in the country and also affected activity abroad, this is the least price the artist pays, as they are among the people who suffer, like others, from displacement, damage, and a lack of money, food and lives. Despite that, there are those who share their livelihood with family, friends, neighbors.


A while ago, an artist announced his bankruptcy on his Facebook account as one of the results of the war on artists. What is your comment?


Declaring bankruptcy is not appropriate for an artist, but chastity is, especially since an artist was one of those with the highest income before the war, and our Lord, Glory be to Him, says, “Wth hardship comes ease.” There is no reason to lose hope and our Lord is present. People have lost the most precious things they own, their souls and their homes, yet, there is still goodness.  Many people in our country and people are precious pillar and will emerge from this holocaust brighter and more determined to recover, build and rebuild.


Where are you now?


I am very comfortable and at peace among my family in the Nile River state and the Northern state, during this test for which no one has prepared, and if God’s judgment occurs, there is no point in complaining.

I salute the steadfastness of many of my fellow artists in the country and abroad, and history records everything.


*A year without work is not considered an excuse?


There is no solution other than the steadfastness which resembles the Sudanese artist, and declaring bankruptcy is a “shame.” The war has affected everyone and the artist is not an exception.


Despite everything, the artist is still steadfast, supportive of the armed forces, and motivated. How do we read this?

Does he hope for the victory of the armed forces, even if the war lasts for a long time, or is there another angle?


It is natural to take with the armed forces’ side because it is a symbol of national unity and a symbol of the state.

Standing with the army until the end is a position on the right side of history because it is a symbol of the state and sovereignty.


There is another party of the artistic (dramatists) say no to war. Their slogans are against ugliness and for beauty, against war and for peace, but you fully support the armed forces. How do we read that?


Supporting the armed forces does not mean that we are with the war, but rather, we walked it wrongly, it was written on us, and whoever wrote it wrongly walked it.

We do not trade in slogans. “You cannot leave your house without a door and curse the thieves.” He quoted.

We support the armed forces, and if there is any chance for a just peace, we will stand with peace, and I don’t think there is a contradiction in this.

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