
SLM Chief Staff Defected and Joined Army and Armed Struggle Movements

Events – Agencies

The Chief of Staff of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), the Transitional Council, led by Al-Hadi Idris, has announced that it would abandon neutrality and stand with the army and the joint force of the armed struggle movements.

A group of movements that signed the Juba Agreement announced their abandonment of neutrality and declared their defense of the citizens of Darfur and Sudanese citizens in the war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

A statement, on Friday, signed by the Chief of Staff of the Sudan Liberation Movement, the Transitional Council, Major General Abd al-Razzaq Abd Al-Rahman Taban Dako and the Army, said: “Today the country is going through a pivotal stage in its history that is unparalleled, requiring all of us to stand together for the sake of unity and the survival of a free and independent Sudan of  “full sovereignty.”

Dako added: “Ending neutrality and leaving it permanently, and standing side by side with our comrades from the armed struggle movements who left neutrality early and sided with the homeland until the struggle march was completed, and standing with the people’s armed forces in the battle of dignity against the mercenary invaders who wreaked havoc and destruction as well as torture and plunder in our country, calling on the rest of the comrades to side with the homeland’s choice in order to achieve the desired goal.

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