Electrical Energy from River Nile State Solar Power Station, Absorbed

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Sudan Electricity Holding Company has announced the completion of the work to absorb electrical energy from the solar energy station at the North Cement Factory in the city of Al-Damer.
This is within the framework of the electricity sector’s efforts to provide electrical supply and openness to renewable and alternative energies, especially in the circumstances of war that the country is going through and the loss of a large number of generating stations, transmission and distribution lines, and a large number of conversion stations.
The company appreciated the efforts made by the team of engineers, technicians and workers at the Sudanese Electricity Distribution Company until the work was completed, until the capacity that was absorbed during the day (Friday) reached 34 megawatts from the solar station, which was reflected positively by operating cement factories during the day and clearly reducing the hours of reduction.
Absorbing this capacity comes as a first stage, and it is expected that the second stage will be completed by absorbing the station’s design capacity during the coming period.