
West Kordofan Aims to Cultivate (9) Million Fedans

 Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

The Ministry of Production and Economic Resources in West Kordofan State has announced that the target area for the agricultural season is estimated at about (9) million fedans for various food and cash crops.

The Ministry acknowledged the state’s need for agricultural inputs such as improved seeds, fuel, fertilizers, and pesticides.

The Director-General of the Ministry, Abdul Rahman Tahamid Abdullah, stressed the necessity of coordination with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and international organizations to receive agricultural inputs and transport them to the state in a timely manner, announcing the formation of committees to make the agricultural season a success within the framework of the Ministry’s obligations and the development of administrative and technical arrangements for that.

He explained that the Ministry of Production was able to make inventory for agricultural machinery, including various tractors, plows, and tractors, at the presidential and local levels, noting the need for some machinery for maintenance in order to enter the agricultural season effectively.

He said that his ministry was able to implement two campaigns to survey agriculture and combat stubbornness in a number of areas, with financial support from the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Manpower in the state.

He pointed out that his ministry signed two memorandums of understanding with the Peace Organization for Reconstruction and Development and the Hope Organization for Friendship and Development to work on food security projects in the state, noting that delaying state financial support shall delay the implementation of activities supporting the success of the agricultural season, which affects the arrival of agricultural inputs provided by international and national organizations

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