Al-Burhan: We will not Stop Fighting, Victory is Soon

Sudn Events – Follow-ups
The President of the Sovereign Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, has saluted the Sudanese people, the armed forces, regular agencies, and the popular resistance for confronting the rebellion of the Rapid Support militia (RSF).
Al-Burhan confirmed from the front lines of the escorts in the River Nile State on Wednesday that there are no negotiations, no peace, and no ceasefire except after defeating the rebellion and getting rid of the criminal rebels so that the nation can live in peace.
He said, “Our fight against the rebel terrorist RSF militia will not stop until we liberate this country from these criminal rebels.” He added, “We will not stop fighting until we defeat these criminals who destroyed this honorable country, who deprived citizens of their property, committed the most horrific violations, and raped our decent daughters in Khartoum, El Geneina, and Gezira.”
He continued, “Victory will soon be, God willing.”