
Guterres: Attack on El Fasher Plunges Darfur into Conflict

Sudan Events – Agencies

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has criticized the escalating violence in Sudan, calling on the international community to take immediate action.
In a speech before the United Nations Civil Society Conference, Guterres expressed his deep concern about the impact of the war on civilians, and added that Sudan is witnessing indiscriminate attacks, horrific sexual violence, and deliberate targeting of aid workers. He highlighted the alarming displacement, with nearly nine million people forced to flee their homes.
With the World Food Program warning of a possible famine in Darfur, Guterres warned that the El Fasher clashes would further hamper aid. He pointed out that “the attack on the city would be disastrous, and would likely plunge the entire Darfur into conflict.”
The Secretary-General of the United Nations called on all parties to respect international law, protect civilians, and allow full humanitarian access. He expressed his concern about the escalation of violence in North and South Kordofan and the Gezira.
He stressed that there was no military solution, and called for a unified international effort to push towards the political process. He also welcomed regional and international initiatives, including those taken by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the African Union, the Arab League and the Jeddah Platform.
Guterres announced that “the United Nations, under the leadership of its Personal Envoy Ramtane Lamamra, remains committed to working with all actors to facilitate the achievement of a lasting peace owned by the Sudanese people and led by the region.” He urged all countries to exercise their influence to bring the warring parties to the negotiating table.

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