Society & Culture

Playwright and poet Afif Ismail: I plan to build relationships to increase the chances of producing my work

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

Playwright and poet Afif Ismail will participate in the 21st session of the International Congress of Theater for Youth and Children in Havana, Cuba, from May 24 to June 1, 2024.
The global forum includes a large number of theatrical production companies and those working in the field of performing arts related to youth and children’s theater from various parts of the world. The conference holds its activities and activities in the presence of more than 1,000 delegates from more than 70 countries, and includes 65 workshops and 25 theatrical performances.


Playwright and poet Afif Ismail explained in a press release that he is participating in a paper entitled “The Role of Youth and Children’s Theater in Areas of Armed Conflict,” within a workshop for major youth and children’s theater artists in the world, including Monica Nikbalova, Mike Gunselius, Justus von Maur, and Bilge Serdar, Laura Kallenbach, Mateo Hernandez, and Roxanne Schroeder-Arce, and the workshop is moderated by Dr. Katherine Morley.


Afif has won many awards in Australia in the field of playwriting, most notably the Sabbatical Award for Playwriting for a Year from the Australian Playwrights Guild in 2008. The text of his children’s play “The African Magician” was also nominated for the short list by the Australian Writers Guild as one of the best texts. The play for the Children’s Theater in 2010, which was produced by the “Parking Gecko” company in Western Australia, in addition to his representation of Australia in many international forums, most notably his participation as an international observer among six writers from all continents in the “New Voices and New Visions” festival and workshop in 2014 at the Kennedy Center. Arts in Washington.

Translation of texts

Afif explained that the primary goal of these conferences is to provide a theoretical contribution to practitioners of children’s and youth theater, to promote the development of new trends. During the conference, various theoretical frameworks on critical approaches will be proposed, and the role of theory in practice and practice in theory will be discussed. “I plan to build relationships with as many directors and producers as possible so that I can increase the opportunities to produce my works on a larger scale for young audiences and children around the world, especially my play (Son of the Nile), the first scene of which was translated into Spanish by the Argentine writer and playwright Maria Inés Falcone.” He added. “I will also distribute an envelope containing Summaries of some of my plays, including (The African Magician), (Son of the Nile), (Three Seeds), (Circles of Return), (In Godot’s Labyrinth), (Inappropriate Hats), (Hamlet Syndrome), and the melodrama (Labyrinth).” He added.
In addition to English, various poetic and theatrical texts and narrative miniatures by the writer were translated into German, Spanish, Swedish, and French.


Afif Ismail also published “Traps and there is a trace, a bet of clay, a passage to the scent of invisibility. It is your bird, where the storm sleeps without giving, a whisper from beyond the ocean, just as the light sleeps far away, scatterings of the perfume of the absent.” He added. He also published in English a book of poetry entitled “The Clay Bet” translated by Dr. Aida Seif Al-Dawla, in addition to a number of poetry collections and theatrical texts that were created creatively through the ongoing creative translation workshop between him and the Australian poet, playwright and actress Dr. Vivian Glanis, including poetry: “This world is lying to us… Oh Mother,” and “Orphan Birds,” and among the plays are “The African Magician, Son of the Nile, Three Seeds, and Circles of Return, and there is no day like another.”


Australian director Jeremy Rice, director of the play “The African Magician,” says:
Afif’s plays make a unique contribution to Australian theatre, challenging Western audiences’ understanding and appreciation of cross-cultural artistic practice. Afif’s works cannot be classified as solely African, although they sometimes use African storytelling practices and take an uncompromising stance on African and international politics. It takes inspiration from Beckett’s absurdist theater and the political theater of Augusto Boal and Bertolt Brecht.
Jeremy Rice adds: His writing is full of topical and historical references and always spiced with a wry sense of humor that invites us to laugh at humanity and at ourselves.

The Egyptian poet, writer, and intellectual researcher Shaaban Youssef says:
The poet, creator, writer, and artist Afif Ismail was able to combine the sharp word, the deep meaning, and the delicate feeling in one alloy, and we can without a doubt place him in the ranks of the humanist poets in the world, as his various writings jumped over the national and local walls, to stand next to great poets in the world, such as Nazim Hikmat, Pablo Neruda, Mahmoud Darwish, Paul Eluard and others, for him language is the language of man, his cries and joys wherever he is.
Australian director and actor Dr. David Moody, director of the play “Son of the Nile,” says:
“Son of the Nile” is a magical, funny and moving play set on the banks of the mighty Nile River in Sudan, where the river itself tells the story. Son of the Nile talks about our contract with the Earth, and the importance of honor, trust, and keeping your word. The play “Son of the Nile” never preaches harshly or alienatingly; “This play is simply a wonderful addition to theatrical fun for all ages.”

The Sudanese researcher, writer Dr. says: Abdullah Al-Faki Al-Bashir:

If people in Sudan want to search for sincerity in the national struggle, celebration of heroism, and glorification of revolutionary action and the partnership of the masses, then let them look at Afif Ismail’s poetry and study his biography, for there is nothing in them except commitment to Sudan and humanity, without compromise, in addition to the sincerity of words followed by action. We are truly facing a guiding model to be followed in the struggle and in the service of enlightenment and humanization of life.”

New Group

On his way back to Australia, Afif explained that he will launch in Doha, Qatar, and Abu Dhabi his new collection of poetry, which was published in Cairo, Egypt in Arabic at the beginning of this year, entitled “What We Learned from the Wings,” and another book of this book will be launched, which is the seventh in the year. His poetic career occurred when he returned to Perth, the capital of Western Australia.

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