
Sudan Requests African Development Bank to Lift Freeze on Vital Projects in the Country

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Jibriel Ibrahim, asked the Executive Director of the African Development Bank, Rufus Darkorti, to lift the freeze imposed on Sudan with regard to vital projects, including water and health services, which have declined significantly due to the withdrawal of many hospitals from service. Jibriel during a joint meeting with Darkorti stated that lifting of the freeze will have a significant impact in alleviating the suffering of citizens in the country.
The meeting discussed many important issues that dealt with the economic situation in Sudan and the economic effects resulting from the war.
The humanitarian situation in Sudan and the necessity of excluding a number of vital projects were discussed.
For his part, Darkorti expressed his regret at the situation the country has reached, with the severe destruction of the infrastructure and the suffering that the Sudanese citizen is experiencing as a result of the war. The executive director of the Bank confirmed that excluding some vital projects, such as water and health services, will be discussed at the next meeting of the Bank’s management. .
The issue of reconstruction was also discussed, as the Minister, in his capacity as Chairman of the Reconstruction Committee, requested the Bank’s assistance in several aspects, including assessing the extent of the destruction and developing plans for recovery, seeking the assistance of experts to dispose of unexploded materials, and cleaning the city of unburied corpses that may constitute environmental disasters, and Providing technical support to state governments and training cadres.
At the conclusion of the meeting, it was emphasized that these operations require specialized teams and logistical and material support, and that the Bank must play a role in contributing to the reconstruction in Sudan.

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