
Washington And Cairo Intensify International Efforts to Stop Sudan War

Sudan Events – Agencies

The Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister for African Affairs, Ambassador Hamdi Sanad Loza, has received, on Monday, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United States Special Envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, accompanied by the United States Ambassador to Cairo, Hero Mustafa Garg. The meeting was attended by Ambassador Hossam Issa, Assistant Foreign Minister and Director of the Sudan and South Sudan Administration.
The meeting discussed the recent developments in Sudan, especially in North Darfur, and the need to intensify regional and international efforts to reach an immediate, comprehensive and sustainable ceasefire to spare the blood of the Sudanese people, preserve the security and safety of civilians, strengthen efforts to respond to the deteriorating humanitarian situation, and create the climate for the start of an inclusive political process that responds to the aspirations and hopes of Sudanese people.

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