
Al-Burhan pledges to Overcome Obstacles Facing the Mobilization Committee in Khartoum

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The President of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, met on Wednesday with the Supreme Committee for Mobilization and Popular Resistance in Khartoum State, headed by the state governor, Ahmed Osman Hamza.
The Governor of Khartoum said in a press statement that he provided enlightenment and directory about the efforts made by the Supreme Committee during the last period and the obstacles facing its work, programs and plans, pointing out that the President of the Sovereign Council appreciated the committee’s efforts in confronting and defeating the rebel terrorist militia, and pledged to overcome all obstacles and challenges that stand in the way of the committee’s work in carrying out its tasks during the coming period.
The Governor of Khartoum referred to the repercussions and effects of the war in the state, expressing his appreciation for the loyalty and commitments of the S
President of the Council towards supporting the state during his recent visit.
The governor of Khartoum gave citizens good news of the imminent victory over the rebellion and an end to the war and the suffering of the Sudanese people. He said, “The blood of the martyrs will not be lost. We will be victorious and Sudan will be liberated,” praising the broad response from all the Sudanese people and those mobilized to support and aid the armed forces in defeating the rebel terrorist militia.

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