
Warnings of famine… The UN Launches New Cry Over Sudan War

The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Integrated Mission to Support the Transition in Sudan (UNITAMS) said that the Sudanese people are “trapped in a hell of brutal violence while there is no end in sight to famine, disease and fighting.”
Horrific atrocities
Salami pointed out during a UN press conference that “horrific atrocities are being committed recklessly. There are reports of rape, torture and race-based violence.”
She added: “Communities and families have been torn apart, and nearly 9 million people have been forced to flee their homes in what is now known as the largest displacement crisis in the world.”
Death danger
This month, the United Nations World Food Program warned the warring parties in Sudan of a serious danger of widespread famine and death in Darfur and other areas of Sudan if they did not allow humanitarian aid to enter the vast western region, which I echoed my greeting.
Sudan slid into conflict in mid-April 2023, when tensions broke out in street battles in the capital, Khartoum, and then spread to the states of Darfur, Gezira, and North Kordofan.
The United Nations says that more than 14,000 people have been killed and 33,000 injured since the start of the conflict.
Escalation of hostilities
Salami said during the press conference that hostilities in El Fasher: “are escalating, and the clashes that took place over the weekend and early this week caused dozens of casualties and the displacement of a much larger number than the 800,000 people still in the city.”
She reported that there are only 6 weeks left before the “fall season” begins, when food becomes less available and more expensive.
She added, “This also coincides with the rainy season when it is difficult for residents to reach their destinations due to flooded roads, making them impassable.” It also called on the international community for “more funding, and quickly.”

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