
RSF Tortures and Humiliates Citizens in Gezira

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

An eyewitness said that the Rapid Support militia (RSF) deployed in the Wadi Shair area in Gezira State suddenly turned against citizens and practiced unprecedented torture and intimidation.
Citizens told Sudan Tribune that the militia members beat and slapped the elderly and young people with whips and slaps, but “no one was spared.”
An eyewitness from the scene pointed out that the force present in Wadi Shair, west of Al-Hasahisa, is one of the largest rapid support outposts in Gezira and has been present for a long time.
He continued, “Today RSF decided to suddenly coup,” which led to a massive wave of displacement towards the villages of Al-Farijab, which are also still suffering from similar conditions.
Meanwhile, the citizens of the village of “Al-Kameer”, west of Medani, were subjected to widespread intimidation by militia members who entered homes, took out clothes and burned them in front of them, stormed kitchens and emptied cooking utensils on the floor in a new style of humiliation.

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