Society & Culture

After the advertisement (Al Hafza), Actress Ikhlas Nour El-Din… frustration despite success

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

Actress Ikhlas Nour El-Din is still in her house in Sharq Alneed Locality, Al Hajj Youssef. She has not left it, and in intermittent communication with her, she indicated that she is controlled by war depression. Before the war broke out, she renewed the advertisement of “Al Hafza” (water container) of Ikhlas’s stardom and put her in the limelight. This funny advertisement was an event that was circulated by the media. Which made most of the Sudanese people sincerely search for her lost water container, but the hand of fate wanted not a single water container to remain in Khartoum after the systematic looting that occurred.

Schievement of success

We can say that actress Ikhlas Nour El-Din is one of the lucky artists. Until recently, it was difficult for Sudanese families to accept the entry of their children into the world of art (singing and acting). However, Ikhlas found all the support from her father, may God have mercy on him, and he never opposed her entry into acting. On the contrary, it was Of her supporters. The first station she started from was the College of Music and Drama, where the professors recognized her talent. “If I had gone directly to the National Theater, I would not have been able to achieve significant success, as workshops were held for female students in the college, and from there, Professor Qasim Abu Zaid, who came to the college for the purpose of selecting new faces, chose me to work with him, and when I went to work with him the first time, I was very afraid, but he was able to give me reassurance and self-confidence. The first work he brought me together when I was a student was a movie, so Qasim is considered the one who discovered my talent and introduced me to people.” She said.

Graduation project

Luck continues with her after her family discoverd her talent until the late actor Al-Fadel Saeed admired her performance, education, training and how she trusts herself, confirming that she is a future actress. She returned the favor by making her graduation project from the College of Music and Theater about Al-Fadil Saeed, from whom she learned her love of the profession, as she said, as he loved the profession of acting so much to a point no one could imagine.

Special taste

Ikhlas presented her first dramatic works on television. She also performed a number of roles on stage, but her television works are the most. “My dramatic works are more than theatrical works. Each work has its own taste, as working in theater has its magic, especially since the actor stands face to face with the audience. I stood in the theater with Al-Fadil Saeed and presented to Qasim Abu Zaid, “The Girls’ Uncle”.” She added.

Lack of appreciation

Ikhlas presented more than seventy films and between fifteen and fourteen series from radio to television, in addition to participations outside the country with the actor Ali Mahdi’s troupe. She also worked with the actor Ahmed Badir and the distinguished director Saeed Hamed. Despite her experience, the frustration with the reality of the Sudanese actor controlled her, as she sees that the Sudanese actor suffers from the injustice, and no matter how much the actor gives, he/she does not find appreciation, and his share is often unjust. “These are the reasons that make me sad about the situation that the Sudanese actor has reached. I feel that I and the rest of my colleagues are still stuck at one station and cannot leave it, or let’s say we have reached the last stop.” She added.

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