Society & Culture

Secrets of revelation… springs of childhood Reflections on the poetic experience of artist Jamal Hassan Saeed

By Abdul Latif Mujtaba


As you are on your way towards new beginnings and change, you must have a wild imagination and a memory that is full with paradoxes and illogicality. Rather, you must have an innocence that carries your wings like a butterfly falling to its fire in extreme love and gentleness, without thinking about the consequences. This is the increased access to worlds of writing and the beginnings of poetry according to the poet Jamal Hassan Saeed, who “suckles from the breast of secrets and revelation,” in a language that comes from the worlds of childhood and is injected from a source full of mature visions, culture, knowledge, mysticism, and philosophy. This is the second part of the reflections.

Poetic language and text readings:-

Jamal Hassan Saeed’s poetic language, as it appears at first glance, is that he uses what is known in sociolinguistics as linguistic duality, which is the mixing of two linguistic levels, the colloquial and the classical, which appears clearly in the linguistic usages and vocabulary in his poetic texts, as hardly a text is devoid of that. It is surprising that this duplication takes place with infinite intimacy, with one hardly noticing this discrepancy that sometimes seems large in terms of different eras and linguistic environments. As it is known that every era has a spirit and general linguistic features derived from the environment and the nature of life in general, so you find the word shrapnel juxtaposed with the word majjad, and the word nafaj, which is the door between neighbors, is a word that is rarely used in the present.

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