
New scene

Abdul Sami Al-Omrani writes

Militias and America’s Policy of Double Standards.
Political tension and armed military conflict continued in the Middle East region and in a number of African countries for many years, which led to the emergence of military militias that oppose national governments or support them in some cases, as in Iraq. There are armed militias that have military forces and armament parallel to the armies of the countries in which they are located. In a way that competes with national armies in military capabilities, and sometimes may even surpass them, as in the cases of Lebanon and Iraq, as these militias possess human and military power and huge financial allocations, and the Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon is considered one of the strongest unofficial military components in the eastern region. It has caused a permanent headache for the state of the Zionist entity, and sometimes it has caused paralysis for Israel, as happened in the 2006 war, which Israel lost with all its might and with all the military and material support it received from the United States of America and from some European Union countries, but the Hezbollah militia, has a striking military force, an iron will, and a solid combat doctrine that was able to repel the Israeli army and inflict on it heavy losses that forced it to return to its lands after the incursion into southern Lebanon. As for Iraq, since the fall of the regime of the Arab Socialist Baath Party led by Saddam Hussein, the culture of militias has prevailed in Iraq. After the fall of Baghdad, Historically, in the hands of the American forces and some coalition forces from other countries, a strong armed Shiite movement suddenly rose to the surface and called itself (the Popular Mobilization Forces). It is a movement that shows hostility to the United States, but in reality its combat doctrine and intense hostility towards the Sunni component in Iraq is dedicated to completely eliminating it or expelling it. From the political and economic scene in Iraq, the Popular Mobilization Forces have deliberately abused the Sunnis and assassinated most of their prominent leaders in order to weaken it and control it completely. The armed Shiite movement finds all support and backing from successive Iraqi governments, and its crimes against the Sunnis in Iraq are met with international silence in a situation very similar to what is happening now to the people. The Sudanese are the people affiliated with the Sunni movement in the region, and in Yemen the star of the Houthis rose high after the support of the former Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, and even support from some Gulf states with the aim of fighting the reform movement, which has Islamic tendencies closer to the Muslim Brotherhood movement, and therefore I supported Some Gulf countries saw the rise of the Shiite movement called Ansar Allah, as well as their support by Abdullah Saleh to spite the government of General Abd Rabbuh Mansour. The result was the dominance of the Shiite movement in the political and military scene in Yemen. This situation led to a sharp division, so two governments were now formed in Yemen, which is still living in a state of conflict. A state, and the sounds of the guns have not been silent since the fall of the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh. However, the heroic stances of the Houthi militia, which directed its missiles deep into Israel and threatened international navigation, especially ships heading to Israel, as those stances won the approval and satisfaction of Arab public opinion regarding the Houthi militia, and in return, an unequal war was waged by the United States of America, the European Union countries, and Israel against the Ansar militia in Yemen, as for Libya, the situation is similar to the situation in Sudan. Haftar’s militia is fighting the legitimate government in Tripoli, claiming that it is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Haftar receives significant military support from the Gulf states and finds support and blessings from the United States and a number of European Union countries. This is in the Middle East region, but in Africa there are a number of armed movements, and yes, they do not have great capabilities or do not have a firm military organization as in some Middle Eastern militias, but the only militia that is anomalous from this situation in Africa is the Rapid Support Militia in Sudan, as it combines the capabilities. It finds financial, human and high military capabilities and finds regional and international political support, as well as providing it with technical capabilities and unlimited military support from the UAE, France, Britain, Israel, Norway and the United States, even if the latter works with it through agents. International cover is also provided to justify its actions and crimes against civilians in Sudan and their violations. For all the customs, laws, and provisions of international humanitarian law, it receives support and backing from a number of international organizations and bodies that favor it and remain silent about its crimes. All of this is now provided to the Rapid Support militia in Sudan, a situation that has not been available to any militia at the level of Africa, or perhaps even at the level of the world because many international parties want to shape Sudan geographically, politically, economically, socially and culturally, and those parties believe that they have now found what they are looking for in the Rapid Support Militia.
Those international bodies that are now hostile to Sudan have a history that may go back four decades. After the late President Jaafar Numeiri announced the September laws in the year 1983, those bodies considered that the new trends of Sudan are considered a serious threat to all African countries and to a number of Arab and North African countries for its cultural and economic strategy in that region, and therefore a number of containment and control strategies were developed. These policies represented igniting and supporting armed conflicts on the outskirts of Sudan, as well as supporting programs of creative chaos and provisions of the economic and military siege. Throughout a period of four decades, international powers continued to target Sudan in the person of the governments. The National Ingaz Government and then the successive Ingaz governments, and the series of malicious measures, sanctions, conspiracy and fueling armed conflicts in Sudan did not stop even after the fall of the Ingaz, Army in April of the year 2019. Perhaps the shock and surprise was great in the rapid fall of the Ingaz Army and the collapse of the Ingaz Army, and the lack of resistance of its supporters to the Sudanese revolution, as happened. In some countries, such as Libya, Syria, and Yemen, this surprise may have confused their calculations, and therefore their civilian agents, who ascended to power without a popular mandate on the ruins of Ingaz, were completely unable to administer the government due to the lack of programs and plans for managing the state. The economy also deteriorated to the bottom, and tribal conflicts increased. This was followed by cultural and moral deterioration, and education collapsed. Sudan’s foreign relations also collapsed due to the weakness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the poor performance of Sudan’s embassies. In general, the United States of America and those international bodies always support, assist and support any armed military militia if its position is opposed to political Islam movements in its country. And whether that militia politically and culturally supports and supports the camp of moral decay that prevails in the world now, such as Haftar’s militia in Libya and the Rapid Support in Sudan, or whether the military militia does not have a clear hostility or threat to Israel, such as the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq, which shows some apparent hostility to Israel, but in reality it is internal. Its manifesto is that he considers Israel a friendly country and meets with it in one of the most important reasons for their existence together, which is eliminating the Sunni movement in the Arab world, Africa and the world. On the other hand, the United States of America and those international bodies consider any military militia that opposes Israel and rejects the policy of subordination to the camp of moral decadence. As in the case of the Lebanese Hezbollah, the Ansar Allah Houthi group in Yemen, the Hamas movement in Palestine, and some armed movements in some Islamic countries, in this case the militia is considered a criminal group that practices terrorism and is subjected to pressure through the UN Security Council and through a number of international bodies. To besiege it and tighten its grip on it.
So, rapid support (RSF) falls within the framework of the preferred option of the United States of America and the camp of moral decadence that supports everything America says, while the Houthi militia, Hezbollah, the Hamas movement, and some factions with an Islamic orientation, stand within the circle of the abyss that must be bitten and eliminated.

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