
After the Horrific Massacre there, Wad al-Nura… Will death have a voice in Gezira?

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

There is no doubt that the mass death that occurred in the village of “Wad Al-Noura” in Gezira has broken the hearts of the Sudanese and opened their eyes to the violations taking place in the state that have gone beyond looting, rape and theft to mass killing, liquidation of the population and their displacement, which is what local sources had indicated in their leaks that were spread on a limited scale and with scarce information during the past period. These leaks did not spread widely because the state that is being violated at the top of the hour has remained without communications or the Internet since the RS Militia entered it, and no one knows what is happening to its citizens with certainty until “Wad Al-Noura” massacre shook the tree of truth violently to discover that the citizens there confronted the RSF arsenal and prevented it from entering their areas and were valiant in defending their honor and property, but they were confronted with heavy artillery and heavy weapons that they cannot handle..
At the end, they are the weapons of armies that no one can confront with light weapons, the number of which is limited, the ammunition is limited and the experience of those carrying them in combat is limited..
In the massacre, more than (200) people were killed in Wad Al-Noura and injured Dozens after the militia sent its missiles to the heads of the citizens, and despite the magnitude of the disaster, we did not hear condemnations of the magnitude of the disaster nor movements of its magnitude, except for the arrival of the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC Lt. Gen.Al-Burhan, to Al-Managil, on Thursday, and the statement of the Sovereignty Council TSC and timid condemnations here and there, which puts us in front of the question that the people of the island are asking and have asked.. (Have we been left alone?), This question is important and essential because what is happening in the villages and cities of the island now is catastrophic.

Political researcher and expert of political science Ahmed Omar Khojali says (It is natural for a citizen whose family was afflicted with what happened to Wad al-Noura to express his pain and suffering and to go out against all people, but as soon as he returns to put things in their proper place and deal with them more rationally, things will inevitably become clear to him), and he added (The entire Sudanese state is now fighting an existential war that will not be decided by the army alone.
This is a war that needs all Sudanese and this is the moment when we must hold together and not collapse). He said (This is what the Rapid Support Forces RSF want and what its sleeping and awake cells want, to break our resolve and for us to resort to the role of the victim.
This is not our nature. We must rise up and fight as the sons of Wad al-Noura did, who made great sacrifices for us for the sake of the homeland. They were not killed while being led to their graves, but were killed while defending their land, money and honor), and he added (Wad al-Noura was subjected to a mass massacre committed by a militia that has a history of such acts, and these acts have nothing to do with war or morals.
It is a cowardly act that reflects It is cowardice to kill civilians and confront them with heavy artillery and heavy weapons). The militia forces that are currently deployed among the villages of the island had raided the village and tried to rob and loot its people and rape its free women, but the villagers confronted them and entered into battles with them in which the people used sticks and clubs and a small number of light firearms that are used to protect individuals and homes and entered into confrontations with a militia that owns four-wheel drive vehicles carrying Dushka, two-wheel and four-wheel drive vehicles and in confrontation with forces that have heavy weapons and artillery, they used them to beat unarmed civilians except for clubs and knives, causing more than (200) martyrs and dozens of wounded and injured. Cowardly operation

Madani Al-Harith, senior expert at the African Center for Studies, says that the killing and targeting of civilians that took place in the Wad al-Noura area is a cowardly operation because the area is a safe area whose inhabitants are civilians and there is no military zone or military site in it and there is no military presence at all to justify targeting it.
These are defenseless civilians, and killing them in this way is an act that does not resemble the Sudanese people. He confirms that these are foreign militias that are now practicing gang work in Sudan, whose goal is looting, theft and rape.
He added (The issue now is not only the issue of the armed forces or the people of Wad al-Noura only, this is the issue of the entire Sudanese people. We must rise up to help our people in Gezira because the targeting there has crossed the borders and it appears to be a systematic campaign of revenge by Gezira state ).
He continued (If they wanted war, they would have gone to confront the armed forces and they know their locations, but targeting defenseless citizens from one village to another confirms that their goal is to take revenge on the citizen who they know is defenseless and cannot confront them, and this is a cowardly act).
He said (We must mobilize to help our people because the matter will not stop at Wad Abu al-Noura, but will extend to other villages, and we must not wait for a reaction from the international community because Most of the countries are participating in this conspiracy).
Random behaviour

Dr. Osama Hanafi, an expert of political science, says that what is happening in Gezira and what happened in the village of Wad Al-Noura is an extension of what this militia has been committing under the eyes of the world and the region and under the eyes of some Sudanese who support it despite all these atrocities it has committed and is committing against the Sudanese.
He added, “We are angry by nature because what happened is or should be a shock to the human conscience.
Otherwise, when will the human conscience shake and when will it move? If it does not move now while it is watching 200 corpses and dozens of injured civilians in front of it, this is a barbaric scene that does not need speeches or explanations so that we condemn it and condemn those who committed it.
This is a major crime that has been inflicted on our people in Wad Al-Noura and in Gezira in general.
No one knows for sure now how many of these criminals have killed in other villages and how many will be killed in the rest of the villages. The Sudanese must move to protect their people and not wait because the indicators of what happened in Wad Al-Noura are dangerous and the events that are happening in Gezira are more dangerous.” He continued, “I do not believe that what happened was a reaction or random action.
Rather, this is systematic action that requires people to move and the government to move to deal with the situation in Gezira. Because its flood almost swallows everything.

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