
Details of Yousuf  Ezzat’s role in the Coup attempt that led to the war

Sudan Events – Agencies

Informed sources revealed that surveillance cameras documented the presence of RSF Militia Advisor Yousuf Ezzat on national TV  from the midday of the first day of the outbreak of the war on April 15 until the fourth day of the war.

The sources said that Ezzat was working on recording a statement to be broadcast on the National  Corporation for Radio and TV and that he made significant efforts in filming the statement

The sources explained, according to (Al-Youm Al-Tali), that Ezzat did enough with the broadcast engineers and tempted them to come to the TV  to assist in broadcasting the statement and that all the temptations were rejected by the broadcast engineer, and that it made efforts to broadcast the statement and continued to communicate for five days.

The sources pointed that the security authorities will release in the coming days the videos of Yousuf Ezzat while he was at the headquarters of the radio and TV  at the beginning of the war to broadcast a statement that they are for force by SAF .

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