
They carry ID of Jedian Hawks, Foreign Sudanese.. War has another language

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

This war revealed, among the thousands of mistakes that were made, the extent of the great defect in the foreigners’ file in Sudan after the appearance of thousands of foreigners fighting in the ranks of the Rapid Support RSF Militia and even leading operations of liquidation, systematic killing, looting, theft and rape.
Perhaps the crisis of foreigners’ encroachment on the Sudanese state is not a product of the war, as foreigners occupied entire neighborhoods in many areas of Sudan and even established villages here and there and committed crimes that are shameful without anyone moving, neither the authorities nor civil society, until the war came and foreigners joined the fighting in the ranks of the militia and spying for it and practicing theft of homes and looting. They are still moving until this moment with complete freedom without anyone asking them about identification papers that they do not have and about their work and homes.

Freedom of movement:
Thousands of foreigners are currently present in various Sudanese cities without IDs and they move freely, not to mention the foreigners who are now carrying weapons with the Rapid Support RSF Militia and practicing murder, theft, looting and rape. Because the police are in charge of the file, they held a workshop to which they invited specialists with the aim of discussing the issues of foreigners and the laws regulating their presence in the country after their appearance as fighters in the Rapid Support Forces. (Sudan Events ) raised questions in a dialogue a few days ago with the official spokesman for the police forces, Brig. Gen.Fath al-Rahman Mohamed al-Toum, about the outcomes of the workshop and whether it was serious about addressing this major defect. He said that the workshop came out with good recommendations to control the foreign presence and they began implementing these recommendations, as a special prosecution office was established for immigration transactions. There is also work that will be done by community committees, state and local committees, and educating individuals.
We have a media plan related to controlling the foreign presence. Regarding the nature of the recommendations, he said (the recommendations addressed all the axes related to the foreign presence.
For example, the foreigners system in the General Directorate of Passports was amended, and all foreigners who left were considered to have expired residencies. If they returned, it would be Their entry is a new entry and new conditions for arrival have been determined with the Ministry of Labor. If we implement all the recommendations, there will be complete control over the foreign presence), this is about the foreigner who did not obtain Sudanese ID. What about the foreigners who obtained Sudanese identity papers and are currently carrying them? He said (There is no foreigner within the civil registry system because it is a system specific to the Sudanese, and whenever it is proven that a foreigner has obtained a national number, he will be banned and the national number will be removed from him and the workers who issued him the national number will be held accountable).

Committing crimes
Commenting on the statement of the official police spokesman, Dr. Osama Hanafi, a professor of political science, said that it is very diplomatic and does not fit the reality we live in today because the matter, as he believes, is more complicated than a residence and visa system and has reached the point of killing Sudanese, trading in their data and stealing our homes.
He added, “No one asks the foreigners who are currently there about their identity papers. This does not happen in any country in the world. They trade in the markets, move freely, and commit crimes, and they do not even have identity papers that prove who they are, let alone a residence and visa.
Here I wonder, did these people enter Sudan with a visa?” He continued, “A very small number of foreigners entered the country through the airport, while millions entered through the open borders without even a single paper proving who they are.
These people now live in the major cities normally, and some of them, over time, have obtained papers under the pretext that they are from the common tribes.” Nationality breaches
Lt. Gen. Omar Al-Mukhtar Mohamed Haj Nour, the legal expert, believes that the Sudanese nationality project was based on settlement, and considered those who resided in Sudan before 1889 to be citizens by birth, and the situation continued like this until the Sudanese nationality project was established, passing through the Nationality Law and its amendment, and from there the amendments remained connected. In my opinion, nationality was exposed to many breaches and many problems.
For example, the parties brought in large population groups and granted them Sudanese nationality to obtain voters’ votes, and there is a loophole of the common tribes that granted many Sudanese nationality by birth, and Article (9) that granted many nationality by naturalization).

Top-down decisions

Police Lt. Gen. Adam Daleel, the legal expert, said that citizenship is originally supposed to be granted individually and not collectively.
Regarding Article (9) and its impact, he said (Article (9) of the Nationality Law of 1994 is an article that gives the President of the Republic broad powers to grant citizenship upon the recommendation of the Minister of Interior.
Through this article, many people obtained citizenship without even fulfilling the condition of residency in the country for a certain period. Approvals continued to be issued by top-down decisions to grant citizenship to non-residents, although the condition of residency in the country is one of the most important conditions. However, they obtained it by top-down decisions.
We do not know whether these people have loyalty to the state or even a relationship with society, given that most of them had problems obtaining passports only and had no idea of ​​residency or loyalty to the state.

Executive Regulations
Regarding the joint tribes obtaining citizenship, Lt. Gen. Omar Al-Mukhtar Mohamed Haj Nour said (Witnesses in granting citizenship to joint tribes are one of the irregularities, as although the investigation with members of the joint tribes is governed by an executive regulation that requires the assistance of a specific number of witnesses from the father’s side, my observations are that the tribal leaders are among those who are assisted by the authorities are often more concerned with the interests of their tribe than with the interests of Sudan, so these people testify that the person was born in Sudan even if he arrived a week ago to become eligible for citizenship by birth and not by naturalization.
He added, “The issue of loyalty is very important in citizenship because citizenship is originally defined as a legal and political relationship between the individual and the state based on the bond of loyalty, meaning that the bond between the individual and the state is loyalty, and without loyalty, things become without an objective control.
Therefore, whoever is granted citizenship by naturalization, for example, until his loyalty is confirmed, is granted a period called the period of suspicion, which was five years, and in the latest law it was amended to three years, which is a testing period for the person’s loyalty.”
He continued, “These are matters that we do not take into account now.” Regarding the participation of some naturalized persons in the war, he said, “Yes, there are many naturalized persons who participated, and their citizenship can be withdrawn.”

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