
After Ezzat’s Show up at TV broadcast room, Small Details defeat big plans

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

When the of the President of Sovereignty Council, Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, announced that to broadcast videos proving the presence of the militia man Yousuf Ezzat inside the TV broadcast room on the first day, the aim of the statement was not to explain the role of Yousuf Ezzat as a person because Youssuf Ezzat is not important in the context of the war as a person.
What matters here is that his presence in the broadcast room was as a representative of the RSF who wanted to broadcast a statement announcing the militia’s control over Sudan, which is a signal to everyone that things have definitely been in the militia’s favor.
Ezzat’s show up in the first hours of the war inside the TV building affirms beyond any doubt that they are the ones who fired the first shot and who sought to overthrow the regime and control the country with a pre-planned action and with roles completely distributed between the military and politicians, but it seems that those who planned did not pay much attention to the small details that ultimately defeated this big plan during the first hours of April 15.
Operating the devices
The plan did not take into account the Presidential Guard and the guards of Lt. Gen. Al-Burhan and believed that he was able to defeat them and arrest or kill the head of the Sovereignty Council, but he was surprised by the bravery of these guards who prevented him from implementing his plan, which, if it had been implemented, would have changed many things..
Then the plan did not provide alternatives to operate the television if he did not find someone to operate the broadcasting equipment for him that morning.. If he had possessed cadres capable of operating the devices and uploading the image to satellites, many things in the war would have changed.. This brings us back to a statement made by journalist Osman Mirghani when he affirmed during a meeting that brought him together with the leader of the rebellion, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, two weeks before his attempt to overthrow the regime and seize Sudan that the man was speaking with great confidence about his plan and that due to his excessive confidence in the success of his plan, he did not develop alternative plans to resort to in the event that the main plan failed..
He was confident of the success of his plan, so from the first moment he would lay his hand on Al-Burhan and the entire leadership staff of the SAF , then an army officer would broadcast a statement announcing that they had taken power in the name of the people and democracy and arrested or killed Al-Burhan because A dictator and an imperialist who refused to sign the framework agreement before Hemeti officially took over all matters and became the head of the Sovereignty Council and ruler of Sudan.. A plan according to the situation at the time that was coherent and largely successful, had he not realized that small details could defeat him and lead to major transformations..
The presence of officers with Burhan at his headquarters was a small detail considering the size of Hemeti’s forces that attacked the headquarters and considering that the element of surprise was on the side of Hemeti and his group, and despite that, this small group overcame the plan and saved the SAF commander from arrest or death, and his arrest or killing, if it had happened at that time, would have caused a major shift in events because the presence of the army commander and the head of the Sovereignty Council detained by the RSF is enough to collapse b the existing authority.
The other major transformation that was spoiled by small details was in the National Radio and TV Corporation, where the RSF Militia was originally present in its buildings, as the state leadership had assigned it the task of protecting the building years ago. Therefore, it was logical for the RSF to take control of the Corporation’s buildings directly, but it failed to operate them because it did not care about small details, which are providing a qualified cadre capable of doing the work and securing the headquarters of the broadcasting corporation in Al-Fateh.
This detail defeated the Rapid Support and its representative, Yousuf Ezzat, who was stationed there in order to broadcast the statement in vain because someone disrupted the broadcasting equipment between the television headquarters and Al-Fateh. Perhaps he disrupted it from here or there.
The important thing is that the disruption was in the broadcast and not in the recording or work of the studios. I believe these were available. Its problem was related to the engineers and not the technicians specialized in recording, directing, lighting, sound, or the like.
As evidence, we saw one of the television employees in the pictures with Yousuf Ezzat.
Mohamed Al-Amin Surur, an engineer specialized in Tv broadcasting who works in the Gulf and had previously worked in Sudan TV, said (my information is that they arranged everything and they believed that the matter was only related to the recording.
When they recorded their statement, then The broadcast was available and it did not occur to them that someone somewhere might cut off the broadcast and make things difficult for them), he added (my information also is that they sought the help of some weak-willed people or perhaps so that we do not wrong them, some of those who were terrorized and numbers on the job they sought their help and they completed the recording and editing task), and he continued (what happened after that is that they tried to communicate with a number of engineers to find out the reason for the broadcast being cut off but they did not reach a result because the engineers themselves do not know the reason for the broadcast being cut off because they were outside the building and because the understandings were made over the phone).
Clear plans
Political researcher and professor of political science Ahmed Omar Khojali says that what has come out now clearly shows that we are facing a planned action and that what happened was a systematic action according to clear plans, otherwise what would make a military entity surprised by those attacking it send its envoy in the first hours of the war to broadcast a statement to the people that they have taken over power), he added (these videos are clear and revealing and show that the militia actually planned to take over power and swallow Sudan), and he continued (these videos settled the debate about who fired the first shot).

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