Society & Culture

It’s no longer a secret, The employees of the Radio and Television Authority reject the decision to appoint Ammar Sheila

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

Journalist Ammar Sheila is destined to come to a position as a successor to another, and soon comparisons are made between them, and people are divided around him, between supporters, opponents, and Shafiq.
Two days ago, the Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Othman Hussein, issued a decision to end the assignment of Ibrahim Al-Bazai from the duties of Director General of the General Authority for Radio and Television, and assigning the journalist, Ammar Sheila, to the duties of Director General of the General Authority for Radio and Television, although the decision was retracted hours later by keeping Al-Bazai in his position. Ammar was appointed director of the television sector, but the campaign to reject the decision emerged from the councils and into public.

Trust and acceptance

When the Sudanese businessman Wajdi Mirghani bought the shares of the largest partner in the Saudi Blue Nile station, Saleh Al-Kamel, it was not striking how many changes accompanied the station, as much as what was striking was the selection of Ammar Fathi Sheila, the correspondent of Al-Shorouk TV in Cairo, for the position of program director on the most watched channel, succeeding one of the makers of the glory of the blue screen, Al-Shafi’ Abdul Aziz, that step was met with severe criticism from the fans, media professionals, followers and observers, and they considered it the beginning of the end and fading, but things moved for the better and the station maintained its splendor.
Perhaps what was most striking was Ammar’s self-confident calmness towards the criticism campaign. Rather, he dealt with them rationally and considered what was raised in the newspapers at the time objective and worked to benefit from it in his experience.

A dismissive statement

The General Authority for Radio and Television’s employees’ assembly rejected the decision to appoint Ammar Sheila through a statement in which it welcomed the decision of the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council to retain Ibrahim Al-Buzai as Director-General of the Authority because he expresses its legacies and represents a generation of giants whose giving continues in all difficult trials such as the one our country is experiencing at this historical stage. The mission statement, as expressed by the statement of the Authority’s employees’ assembly, expressed concern about the undermining of all established civil service values, most notably hierarchy and consideration of experience in selecting the institution’s leaders, which was clearly demonstrated in the issuance of a decision to appoint Ammar Sheila as Director General of the Authority, due to the arbitrariness and ill-treatment of this decision. The workers gathered their reservations about the decision to appoint Sheila as director of the television sector for several reasons, the first of which is that his job rank is much lower than that of leaders with prior knowledge and cumulative experience, which creates injustice and inherits injustice.
“We point out here that our colleagues who are of the age and years of graduation and experience of Ammar range in job grades between five and four years, is it appropriate to grant the first degree directly to the third sector? In addition, the decision creates administrative confusion, given that the founding law of the Authority does not stipulate the title of director of the sector in light of the presence of public departments that manage the matter at the level of radio and television.” The statement added.
According to the statement, the decision was not accompanied by previous experiences in which radio and television were divided into two sectors, as that stage was characterized by many conflicts and quarrels that hindered the work of television during a stage of the previous regime’s rule. This experience is considered one of the worst models of implementing the sector system, which requires its evaluation and study before returning to it. In addition to their fear of a conflict of interest, as Sheila works as director of the Blue Nile Channel, which is affiliated with the Authority and of which a businessman owns more than half of its shares, the statement called on the government to review the decision in a way that achieves the public interest and preserves the Authority’s privacy and the interests of its employees.


“I congratulate my brother Ammar Sheila and pray for him success and success in managing Sudan Television. It is an assignment about which people are divided between happy, pity, and aggrandizement. Those who are pleased with the decision, to me, are right in their happiness, and those who are pitied by this assignment, let them rest assured, and whoever is looking forward to this position, that Sheila has the ability that make him worthy of this and more.” Hassan Fadl Al-Mawli, the former director of the Blue Nile Channel, wrote.
“One of the things that tells you the most about people’s qualities is constant work, and we have worked together for a number of years, in extremely complex circumstances, and I was every time I find him mastering his spinning, mastering and investigating his choices, mastering and being firm in what he does, mastering and diligent in what is entrusted to him, and turning away from what is of no use to him. When he turns away, he does not turn around and is not dissuaded by insistent insistence, and whenever you approach him, you become accustomed to maturity, deliberation, dexterity, and elegance that is rarely found in him, for someone who is his age, and you find his thoughts organized and consistent, beginning and ending, and if he is given a choice between two things, he chooses the more beautiful of them, and if he is given a choice between two things, he chooses to tell them, and he is non-partisan and organized, and he gives you all appreciation and respect, if you are his boss or a predecessor to him, and this was his approach to me, and from what I mention to him with all gratitude,” Fadl Al-Mawla added.
“My advice to him is to penetrate gently and to direct and approach, since he is in the hands of people who approach you as close as you approach them, and they underestimate you if they reach out to you out of disdain.” He added.

A worthy choice

Ammar Fathi Sheila, graduate of Cairo University – Arts 2003. He joined the world of media since 1999 in journalism through Public Opinion and Events and Khartoum. He also worked as editor-in-chief of Al-Multaqa magazine and a correspondent for Al-Shorouk TV from Cairo from 2007 until he was chosen as program director for the Blue Nile Channel.
Ammar considers his choice of the Blue Nile Channel a merit and natural progression after many years of working in television and the media in general.

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