
International Demands to support peace and development in Sudan

Sudan Events Cairo: Nahid Oshi

Director of the Organizations and Unions Department at the League of Arab States, Dr. Raed Ali Saleh Al-Jabouri, called on Arab countries and organizations to support peace and development in Sudan, pointing out that the Sudanese economic sectors were affected by the repercussions of the war that has lasted for more than a year
Revenue decline:

Warning of an 80% decrease in revenues due to the shutdown of a thousand economic facilities in the fields of industry, food, and medicine.
He said that initial estimates of the losses of the industrial sector reach 15 billion dollars, while 75 to 80% of the economic units in the sector were destroyed, with expectations of an 11% contraction in the economy
He pointed out the importance of the manufacturing sector and said that it is necessary to rebuild and rehabilitate the sector while continuing to strengthen cooperation relations with Arab organizations.
Al-Jabouri said that the Arab region has witnessed events during the recent period that affected the economies of countries and imposed a new reality that requires interaction with it and the development of economic activities and the activation of joint Arab cooperation.
Loss of markets:
The representative of the Egyptian National Planning Institute, Dr. Maghawry Shalabi for the changes in global industrial policies and said that they are extremely difficult and witness constant changes as shocks and crises are repeated (Corona, the Ukraine war, the Gaza events, the destruction of Sudan) which imposes restrictions on the industrial sector as it is difficult to calculate the cost and return in terms of high inflation rates and high transportation and deportation costs while economic risks increase and harmful trade policies and monopolistic practices spread. He pointed out that the Sudanese industrial sector faces challenges, most notably political fluctuations, war, and the destruction of industrial facilities with the loss of internal and external markets and the loss of trained workers by the industry. He said that the Sudanese industry needs greater effort to rebuild. He added that it is necessary to focus on new industrial policies by moving towards sustainable development goals and effective cooperation between all parties. He said that developing industry is not only the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry, but the responsibility of everyone (the government, the private sector, and the consumer). He said that the military conflict must be stopped and the sounds of guns must be silenced so that the sound of machines can rise, and that all energies must be directed towards reconstruction and reconstruction, while enhancing the capabilities of those responsible for setting industrial policies. He said that specialization is necessary, in addition to the shift towards investing in renewable and clean energies and industrial digitization to address the high cost, in addition to competitiveness in global markets and developing a strategy to absorb shocks. He said that trade policies must be open.
Encouraging investment:
While the Vice President of the Federation of Arab and African Chambers of Commerce in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Dr. Hani Mahmoud, announced the Federation’s commitment to supporting and providing facilities for rebuilding the industrial sector in Sudan and reconstructing the Sudanese economy, pointing out the importance of rehabilitating the industrial sector as the main pillar of development. He said that the government must support the sector by encouraging investments and setting a clear vision for establishing new sustainable projects, while assessing the current situation to face challenges and motivating the industrial sector to respond to technology.
A member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt, Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim for the link between Egypt and Sudan and said that reconstruction in Sudan is not a difficult process, especially in light of the availability of ambition, determination and joint cooperation, announcing the commitment to manufacturing Sudanese medicines in Egyptian factories in light of the presence of 200 factories in Egypt that cover 97% of Egypt’s needs for medicines and revealing efforts to contribute to the rehabilitation of Sudanese factories better than they were in the past and said that everything Sudan needs in terms of technology, human cadres and investment in the field of medicine, we are ready and promising that Sudan will soon return better than it was and the next meeting will be in Sudan

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