Criticisms of setting SDGs 35 ,000 as price of the corn

Sudan Events- Rehab Abdullah
The official spokesperson for the Agricultural Chamber of Gedaref State, Hassan Zarouq, criticized the Agricultural Bank’s setting of price for the corn crop for the agricultural season 2024-2025 at SDGs 35 ,000
Zarouq explained in his statement ) that the cost study affirmed that it amounts to SDGs 75 ,000 per sack, while the market price today is SDGs 60 ,000 per sack, adding that previously the ladder price was calculated according to the market price plus 12% as an incentive, taking into account the cost price.
Zarouq criticized the Agricultural Bank’s setting of this price, and attributed this to their discussion with the bank’s management of the cost price, which came out high due to the high prices of production inputs, most notably diesel, fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, machinery, and others.
Zarouq revealed that a large number of farmers have abandoned agriculture due to the high costs, noting that some of them are now in prison after their inability to pay their debts.
Zarouq called on farmers to reject financing in the form of a loan if the amount is not adjusted, so that they do not throw themselves in prison.