
Russia: Some of SC Members promote for aimless agenda in Sudan

Sudan Events – Agencies

Russian Security Council Representative Anna Yevstigneva described, on Thursday, after abstaining from voting on the Security Council draft resolution calling on the Sudanese authorities to reopen the Adre border crossing to deliver humanitarian aid, and calling on the parties to withdraw fighters as necessary, describing the resolution as contradicting the facts on the ground and ignoring “the views of the Sudanese themselves.
She said that the situation in El Fasher is just a pretext and that it is difficult to determine the purpose of the resolution.
She added that her country cannot agree to directing an invitation to all Sudanese parties to ensure humanitarian access, including cross-border access, and said: “We draw the attention of the Council members to the fact that control of national borders and the border crossing of any goods is a sovereign matter for the authorities in charge.”
She said that any attempt to impose what she described as artificial exemptions from this principle or transfer these powers to non-state parties is a clear violation of Sudan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
She called on “some members of the Council” to stop hiding behind noble goals of bringing humanitarian aid into Sudan, in order to promote their unconstructive agendas.
She affirmed the need not to exaggerate the description of the problem of food insecurity in Sudan.
While she acknowledged the existence of problems related to food, she said that they are not caused by the scarcity of food supplies, but by the difficulty of distributing it in some areas in addition to the financial situation of the population.
She affirmed the importance of cooperating with the Sudanese government – instead of exploiting the problem of hunger – to address the food problem and support agriculture.

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