Society & Culture

Poet and composer Haitham Abbas: My stance towards peace are consistent

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

Poet and composer Haitham Abbas said that his positions toward peace and singing for it have remained constant over the past period, “However, positions can change according to the requirements of the situation.” He added.
“For 30 years we have been singing about peace, the olive branch, and doves. Neither peace is a solution, nor do pigeons save from killing,” Abbas said in a post on his Facebook page. “Because peace itself needs strength and changing weak and weak positions, they must be changed as requirements of a stage and equivalent tools to achieve it. We will not enjoy peace for long. As long as you are weak and your enemy is cruel and unjust, positions change and principles remain constant. We will not win as long as one of us kills his family and violates his land and honor, and he talks to you about peace and publishes a song that calls for peace and coexistence before the war, and a song that calls for defending the same principles and preserving the land, honor and dignity after the war, to show you that you are contradictory.” He added.
“Where is the problem? It is natural for positions to change if things deviate from the path of truth. The issue is a matter of conscience, morals, and awareness that is lacking among many of us, while war and the defeat of our people are the outcome of the betrayal of our people themselves, and the shortcomings of their minds that have practiced betrayal and assassination through the media of everyone who has changed his positions, and was on the same principles and still stands by them.” He added.

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