
As I see .. Presidents… Shameless.!

Adel Al-Baz

In a statement by the Peace and Security Council the day before yesterday regarding the situation in Sudan, the Chairperson of the African Union AU Commission directed the establishment of a presidential committee dedicated to the Security Council as soon as possible, including a head of state and a government from each region of the continent, led by His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, and Chairperson of the Peace and Security Council for the month of June 2024.
So, the meeting of the African Peace and Security Council APSC decided to mediate, and this mediation is carried out by heads of State in all regions…meaning that the committee includes, in addition to President Museveni, President Kagame of Rwanda, President William Ruto of Kenya, and possibly Abiy Ahmed, and from West Africa, it often includes President Mohamed Kaka, and thus the unique conspiracy of enemy mediators is completed!!. Can a sane person accept a committee of mediators from his enemies? How is this talk.? Let us clarify or point out the positions of those countries since the war began so that we know which mediators are waiting?
President Museveni, Chairperson of the Proposed Committee.. This President, just 24 hours before the Security and Peace Council Summit, his office announced that (Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni announced that his country had signed an agreement with an Emirati business association to build a new international airport in a border area (northeast of the country) called (Karamoja), which is an area located between Kenya and Sudan.!!
Ugandan press reports say that what happened is strange and surprising, and the reaction of the Ugandan people on social media was between two things, the first is astonishment because how can you build an airport in an arid area whose infrastructure is completely destroyed, with no road network or basic services, and tribes fighting for food and water.
The second is resentment at the clear goal of establishing the airport, which will be used for two things only: smuggling resources abroad (Karamoja has enormous mineral wealth (gold, marble, and uranium), or supplying weapons to the interior.

Here, doubts arise about Emirati interference in Continuing the policy aimed at encircling Sudan from all directions.
This is of course addition to the fact that Uganda has now, since the beginning of the war, opened its airports and borders to disfigure the rebel militia without fear or shame.!!. So, this is the position of the expected mediator state, or rather the head of the mediation committee!!
The second mediator, Paul Kagame, is the one who rolled out the red carpet for the rebel leader in Sudan and invited him to visit the genocide museum… Imagine, he invited the man whose hands have not yet dried the blood of the Masalit and the whole world is talking about the genocide crimes committed by this visiting guest, and he is walking on a red carpet exactly the same color as the blood he shed in Geneina, Nyala and in every land of Sudan. It is strange that the people of the land that witnessed the most heinous types of genocide in the nineties do not remember that tragedy, and it is strange that they do not sympathize with the victims who are being genocided today in Sudan!
The third mediator is Kenyan President William Ruto, and this is well known.
His conscience was bought a long time ago and (wearing the Kadamol) has become an official uniform in all his positions.
The other expected mediator is Ethiopian President Abiy Ahmed, who withdrew his recognition of the Sudanese government and demanded its disarmament and is now opening his lands to Sudanese opposition of all kinds to conspire against Sudan.
As for the mediator from West Africa, there is no doubt that he is the miracle president Mohamed Kaka, and we do not need to explain the betrayals he is committing against the state that brought his father to power, nor his betrayal of his tribe, which is now being killed by the hundreds in El Fasher and its members are being liquidated in cold blood, as happened two days ago in El Fula.
As for the North African region, they may bring Haftar as an honest mediator according to their standards, and the conspiracy contract will be completed.
Suppose that Sudan has been afflicted with a plague and has reached a great level of weakness and has agreed and accepted these presidents as mediators in the war, how can these presidents shamelessly accept to play that role while they know that they are biased and conspiring with one party against another. What also surprised me was that the African Peace and Security Council APSC would mobilize Sudan’s enemies to present them as mediators, knowing their bias and knowing that they are the ones supplying the militia with fuel, weapons and mercenaries to make the war rage even more intense and continue indefinitely. How can you accept to be a mediator when you know that you are biased and conspiring… A little shame, O presidents!!

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