
IDAFA Organization and WFP Support Shelter Centers in South Gezira

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

(IDAFA )Organization for Disaster Assistance and Development and World Food Program WFP launched, on Sunday, in the South Gezira Locality, Daim Al-Mashaikha area, food aid for those affected by the war in shelter centers, host families and safe villages in South Gezira Locality, in the presence of the Executive Director of South Gezira Locality, Mahjoub Omar Ali Issa.
The Executive Director confirmed that the locality is safe and stable,particularly the villages on the borders of Gezira state with Sennar state.
He appealed to national and regional organizations to provide support to families in shelter centers due to the situations the country is going through and the approach of the fall season.
For his part, the Secretary-General of the (IDAFA )Disaster Assistance and Development Organization, Mudather Osman Al-Mahboub, said that the food aid provided by the World Food Program ( WFP )in partnership with IDAFA Organization targets a thousand families in shelters and host families in addition to safe villages in the South Gezira locality.
The food aid includes “flour, oil, lentils and salt” for two months, which is considered the first phase, and the support program will continue until the end of the year.

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