Society & Culture

On its international day Music…the world’s common language

Sudan Events – Magda Hassan

On Friday, a number of Sudanese musicians celebrated World Music Day, which falls on June 21 of each year. A number of music professors emphasized in their celebration of the International Day that music is not just tunes and melodies, but rather an intellectual, cultural, social and tasteful presence. The world celebrates, and the squares, theatres, operas, clubs, concert halls, parks and various spaces, in more than a hundred countries, are filled with all forms of music. All musical styles are in the spotlight, where music, melodies and tones are the true hero of the day, with stunning performances that feed the soul, ignite the conscience and celebrate musical diversity everywhere.

French beginnings

World Music Day began in France. This special day is not just an occasion to enjoy parties and melodies. It is an occasion that transcends borders, languages, and cultures, and unites humanity under the universal language of music. From its inception, the goal was clear to bring music to every corner, and within everyone’s reach, regardless of genre and form. Color, cultural and social level, and other differences. World Music Day began in the seventies, thanks to the innovative proposal of Joel Cohen, an American musician who worked in France Music in 1976. He proposed the establishment of the Saturnal de la Music festival, which would have been held on the two solstice days, June 21 and December 21. The idea was for bands to play on the evening of these two days in western Paris and Toulouse, but the amazing musician Maurice Fleuré, during the year 1981, took the idea to another level. Under his influence and with the support of the French Ministry of Culture, World Music Day became official in 1982, becoming a celebration. It invites musicians to share their art in open spaces at no cost to the public, and thus the festival has become part of France’s cultural history, where music is everywhere and concerts are everywhere to give a voice to all types of music, and thus the festival has become a global event that allows all musicians to play, and introduce themselves during World Music Day.

Objectives of the World Day
World Music Day aims to promote cultural exchange between peoples of the world allowing different musical styles and genres to emerge.
This day celebrates musical diversity and richness, and opens spaces for artists from around the world to showcase and share their work with a global audience.
World Music Day seeks to create opportunities for musicians, emerging or established, to present their art to a wider audience, thus encouraging greater musical diversity and cultural enrichment.
It also aims to see music as an entertainment tool that not only enriches life, but also makes it more fulfilling, as music has the ability to unite people, overcome barriers, and serve as a common language in an increasingly diverse world.

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