
As I see … Threats..Continuous and Poisonous

Adel Al-Baz

What are they threatening us to today?
What is the most distant from death?”
This has revealed its secret to us
And we have tasted it once
His machines have rusted in us and we are still struggling
We are not afraid that he will be missed and he is not satisfied with leaving
He has in us a slander, a morning and a siesta
The last life is short or long
A shroud from the market and evil in the graves”

Salah Ahmed Ibrahim.

Since the beginning of the damned war launched by the rebels and their allies against the Sudanese people, weapons have fallen on our heads from various sides, from America to Kaka.. Imagine Kaka standing up for Sudan. (Oh!!!!).
It started to attack from a group of agents before the war, and when they said (the framework or war), but when the war they threatened happened, they did not succeed, they went astray and threatened with civil war.. And when the civil war did not break out according to their whims and apologies, they started to famine and then started threatening to divide Sudan and finally they reached the threat of foreign intervention. Oh Allah , will they do it again?.. The militia did not leave them an ugly act that they did not commit, war, killing, destruction, rape, looting, genocide, everything they could do, they threatened the Sudanese people with everything, rightly and wrongly, and they reached their final ceiling, that the only one who could frighten the Sudanese people is that he is covering up a group of citizens for power, and this is if they were able to return to the country.
US ,Britain and the international conspirators are moving their threats.. So it seemed that those calling for war from within the international institutions (the Security Council) began, then the threat of sanctions, then actual sanctions on Sudan as individuals and a state, and now the conspirators are passing by threatening humanitarian intervention according to the costs of the US President’s envoy before it is imposed under the slogan of peacekeeping!!. What Islam is this crazy envoy talking about? .

They paid UNAMID $22 billion over more than ten years, Did peace realised in Darfur? The international forces and African looted all these money and left Darfur in the fire of its fire.
The UNAMID mission, which faced protecting citizens, requested protection for itself at the end of its term. And it ended up with nothing.
As for the bribed groups of sub-leaders and committee members in African organizations, they started attacking Sudan from the first day of the war and clearly supported the rebellion, so they tried to save it, and when they failed, they resorted to imposing sanctions, so the sub-union suspended Sudan at lightning speed..
The strange thing is that it does this and is not ashamed to beg the same government whose membership was suspended to accept their endless series of empty initiatives.
A strange country isolated the Sudanese government legitimately from its conferences and dialogues, the last of which was the Paris conferences, with the aim of imposing punishment on it?! It fights the Janjaweed and their allies and demands their disarmament, and accordingly it surrenders and submits to the conditions of the militia, and we notice this in its facilitation with the militia, which enjoys implementing what it signed in Jeddah. Their impudence reached the point of demanding that the army ask the European Union to impose new sanctions on the Director of the Defense Industries System, Mirghani Idris, the Commander of the Air Force, and Ali Karti, Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement.
As for the Arabs, they did not impose sanctions on them, but their positions are very shameful and better than imposing sanctions.
Rather, I can say that they have actually imposed silent and covert sanctions. The strange thing is that the Sudanese are subject to their multiple wars on the shoulder of a more prominent front, but whenever war strikes them, the Arabs let them down and stand by watching, and some of them openly support their rebellious enemy with money, weapons, media and silence.
They were all unable (except for Qatar and Algeria) to inflict a single bullet on us in a battle that we are fighting for their benefit and against the conspiring Asian neighbors and the greedy international community.
Now you see what they are threatening us? The invasion, death, displacement, ethnic cleansing, and genocide have all happened. They no longer have a weapon that did not happen with it, but they did not use it. They did not save anything that they did not happen with. What remains of Sudan now is its dignity, and it is the one who is fighting its battle now under its banner. And Allah is victorious over His affair.

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