Political Reports

UN call to resume negotiations between government and militias.. (Sudan Events ) interrogates leaders of Parties and Movements

Al-Umma: Settling the militias through the UN is a long-awaited step

Democratic Unionist: We reject any vision to open a new platform
Justice and Equality (JEM) :The call is important for civilians to suffer from catastrophic conditions
Sudanese Alliance: There can be no negotiations with the presence of militias in the homes of citizens and government dignitaries

The United Nations (UN )has entered the line of pushing the negotiations between the government and the Rapid Support RSF Militia to resolve the Sudanese crisis after previous negotiations faltered due to the Rapid Support RSF Militia’s failure to adhere to what was agreed upon.
Commenting on the new UN step, (Sudan ) interrogated a number of experts and politicians in the following space.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

According to what Al-Sharq reported from sources, the United Nations UN delivered an invitation to the Sudanese government and the “Rapid Support RSF to resume negotiations on July 10.
The sources said that the UN negotiations between the Sudanese government and the “Rapid Support RSF ” in Geneva will discuss the humanitarian file and the protection of civilians.

An Important Move :

Head of the political sector of the Umma Party, Fathi Hassan Osman, indicated that previous negotiations via Jeddah platform under regional and international sponsorship, the two parties being the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America ( USA) faltered due to the failure of the Rapid Support RSF Militia to fulfill its pledges to evacuate homes and civilian facilities, remove all military manifestations from public roads, and allow relief to pass to those affected without obstacles.
He pointed out that the militia prevented relief from reaching those affected by the war, as happened in El Fasher.
Hassan considered in an interview with (Sudan ) that the step is necessary and pivotal because the United Nations UN is the highest authority to unite the will of countries together and its decisions are considered enforceable by member states.
He said that the government of Sudan will not hesitate in anything that would alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, and it has previously determined Ports and paths to deliver relief to those affected without obstacles, and attributed the prolonged suffering of the Sudanese people regarding the humanitarian file to the Rapid Support RSF Militia, and said that their resolution through the United Nations UN is a long-awaited step.

Governmental Move:

Last March, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry announced that the government had agreed to receive humanitarian aid through Chad and South Sudan, and specified specific paths for receiving it.
The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it had notified the United Nations UN of the government’s approval to use Tina crossing from Chad to El Fasher to enter the specified humanitarian aid, after agreeing on the technical aspects between the Sudanese and Chadian governments and in accordance with Security Council Resolution No. 1591.
It added that approval had been given to use Tina crossing, although the Sudanese border with Chad had become, following the outbreak of war, the first supply line for the Rapid Support RSF Militia with weapons, supplies and mercenaries.

A real opportunity :

In turn, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, Khaled Al-Fahl, affirmed that Jeddah Agreement for the Protection of Civilians, signed on May 11, 2023, is considered one of the most important agreements that represent a reference for any armed conflict, as it is based on international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and it is a military-military path that is not linked to any political dimension.
Al-Fahl told ( Sudan Events) hat the United Nations UN has been following up on what happened in Jeddah Agreement and the failure of the Saudi and US mediation parties to pressure the militias to implement the agreement.
He pointed out that Jeddah Agreement was signed less than a month after the outbreak of the war and is a comprehensive agreement not to provide humanitarian aid and open paths but to stop the war in Sudan.
He stressed their rejection of any vision to open a new forum in Geneva, saying, “But the United Nations UN can move its mechanisms towards pressuring the militias to implement the terms of the agreement, especially since the government has continued to emphasize its commitment to Jeddah Agreement, which is the only way to deliver humanitarian aid and stop the war after implementing the security arrangements.”
He affirmed that Jeddah Agreement is a real opportunity to stop the war in Sudan, but there is no need to open a new forum related to humanitarian aid in Geneva in light of the existence of a complete international agreement that only needs implementation.

UN Welcome :

UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Clementine Nkweta Salami, welcomed earlier the Sudanese government’s approval to facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid from Chad through Tina border crossing.
She said The UN coordinator said that the move by the Sudanese government would facilitate the efforts of the United Nations UN and its partners to deliver aid to those in need, and stressed that it is consistent with Jeddah Declaration, which calls for the establishment of safe and sustainable humanitarian corridors guaranteed by both parties to the conflict.

Importance of Fortification :

Leader of the Justice and Equality Movement ) JEM) Hassan Ibrahim Fadl, confirms their welcome of any effort to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people who are overwhelmed by their internal and regional enemies.
Fadl told (Sudan Events ) that the call is important because civilians are suffering from catastrophic conditions in terms of services and livelihoods due to the horrific destruction of the infrastructure by the militias that are still systematically targeting health centers and hospitals. He noted the necessity of delivering aid in safe hands and that it must be fortified from enemies who use aid as a cover to distort and arm the militia.
Hindering the militia :

While the Sudanese government is working to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need by previously agreeing to receive humanitarian aid through Chad and South Sudan, and has specified specific routes for its delivery, the militia is obstructing the arrival of aid to areas under its control. The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs previously accused the militia of detaining trucks carrying humanitarian aid that were on their way to the city of El Fasher.
The Foreign Ministry said that the militias detained a number of humanitarian aid trucks provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) that were on their way to Al-Fasher to help contain the food and health crisis in the camps for the displaced, particularly the spread of malnutrition among children.

The need for pressure :

In turn, the official spokesperson for the Sudanese coalition, Mohamed Al-Samani, indicated that there are a number of calls to resume negotiations between the armed forces and the Rapid Support RSF Militia, which were rejected by a clear wall of resistance, which is the failure of the Rapid Support RSF Militia to implement Jeddah Declaration, through which it became clear that the militia does not have any covenants or agreements, but rather it always evades them with flimsy pretexts, and it submits invitations to the negotiation forum, and when the framework for implementation comes, it creates obstacles and challenges in the various forums.
Al-Samani told Sudan Events : “We hope that the international community, if it is keen on the peace process and stopping the violations, will pressure the militia to abide by Jeddah platform,” adding, “There can be no negotiations while the militias are in the homes of citizens and all government dignitaries.
This is one of the biggest obstacles facing the peace process.
Jeddah agreement must be implemented, and then a formal cessation of hostilities must be declared and forces must be assembled outside the main cities.”

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