
High Productivity of Oilseeds in River Nile

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Director General of the Agricultural Guidance and Technology Transfer Department at the Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Forestry in the River Nile state, Lubna Fadl, revealed that oilseeds “sesame, peanuts, sunflowers or soybeans” achieved great success in the previous summer season, and affirmed the need for this productivity to be matched by an expansion in oil factories in the state so that the return for the farmer is economical and rewarding.
She pointed out the presence of some” Presses ” in the state, and added, “We seek to have each product in the state have its own factory.”
She said that the summer season will witness many programs in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Department to implement them with farmers and agricultural guides.
She revealed that there are large programs to include farmers in the solar energy program within the summer season in the production of oilseeds or other crops that have a great impact, adding that changing the agricultural pattern in the state from one season to multiple seasons leads to sustainable production and intensification of the crop composition leads to increased production and contributes to increasing the national product.
She pointed out that the cotton crop also achieved great success after it was replanted again in Zeidab project, which is considered its original homeland, and from there it has now spread to the rest of the other projects such as Al-Alyab, Sola and West Berber in areas that witnessed reasonable productivity for farmers.
She affirmed the need for cotton gins, and expressed her hope that the return for the farmer would be great according to the varieties approved by agricultural research.

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