
New Scene .. To the UN Security Council… A little Shame is Enough.

Abdel Sami Al-Omrani

In 2014, I was an advisor to the Human Rights Commission. I was assigned as part of an advisory team that included a number of members of a committee affiliated with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice and some members of the National Council to go to Tabit area in North Darfur state, in order to stand on the ground on an incident that the UN Security Council was interested in and held two emergency sessions regarding.
What is unfortunate is that the incident that the UN Security Council devoted more than one session to was a common and false statement and a fabricated story from Radio Dabanga, which received the news of a dispute between a soldier affiliated with the army garrison and his wife’s family.
The soldier assaulted his wife and clashes and mutual beatings occurred between him and her family, which prompted him to leave the village. One of the supporters of Abdel Wahid’s movement sent the news to Radio Dabanga.
Then the devil spoke to the news editor of the radio station opposing Al-Bashir’s government, which is a radio station broadcasting from the Netherlands.
This editor thought and pondered and said, “Why don’t we create a fictional story from this news that could find a political friend and achieve a goal or goals against the Sudanese government?” So the story of the Sudanese army SAF raping a number of… (200) women in Tabit area in a gang rape incident that was promoted in all the sites of the United Nations and International organizations operating in Sudan. Before we arrived there, a committee assigned by a UNAMID mission rushed to Tabit area and they were surprised that the number of soldiers in the garrison affiliated with the Sudanese army SAF was less than thirty soldiers and they had strong social relations with the people of the village.
In fact, more than ten of the soldiers in the garrison were married to the villagers and all the women of the area had come to the place in the middle of the town to deny the incident.
The committee was surprised that all the women in the town had come and were in good health and a large number of them had come with their husbands and there were no signs of fatigue or signs of assault on any of them.
They were in good health and offered us sweets and local products as a kind of welcome to the guests of the town. After that, the interrogation operations began by the members of the UNAMID committee and as a normal situation, there were a group of police officers and a small number of Sudanese army SAF officers who belong to the small garrison and they were astonished at what was happening in front of them and inside they were laughing at the naivety of the UNAMID mission and the naivety of those who assigned it.
Thus, the UN Security Council held an emergency session and relied on a black rumor that had no basis in truth.
The mission quickly ended its work and all its members were astonished and surprised by the absence of what was being promoted, and they realized that they had indeed been victims of a rumor that Radio Dabanga had launched for political purposes.
When the committee returned to El Fasher, the UNAMID mission issued a statement in which it denied that there had been a mass rape incident in the area. Here, those who promoted that slander were enraged and criticized the assigned committee for saying that.
A short while later, it was discussed by advisors to the Security Council who were hoping that the incident was real to increase the pain of the Sudanese government, which was classified at the time as a rebellious state outside the international consensus system. It is a system built on injustice and oppression of weak states and favors Israel and protects it against any condemnations or decisions against it.
It is a system controlled by certain states and through which the UN Security Council is employed to find legitimacy for any retaliatory measures against the state that rebels against injustice, as It happened with Iraq and Sudan during the era of the Salvation Government and it is happening now against Russia.
After the commission issued a report acquitting the Sudanese army SAF and we were witnesses to its work there, a statement was quickly issued by the UN Security Council saying that it does not recognize the results of the investigation conducted by the commission commissioned by the UNAMID mission because the committee members, according to the statement, were exposed to fear and the women did not tell the truth because there was a group of police and army soldiers who were watching the investigations that were taking place live and under the shade of the large tree in the middle of the village, according to their claim.
After the statement was issued, which the mission published on its website and denied the existence of mass rapes, many international organizations that had celebrated the fabricated incident were enraged, and the Security Council then asked the committee to withdraw the statement from the UNAMID mission website.
After that, in a provocative manner, the UN Security Council asked the Sudanese government to allow another mission to go to the area, hoping that it would come out with a new report confirming the incident that did not exist on the ground. When the Sudanese Foreign Ministry rejected the new request, we believe that this rejection was met with ecstasy and suppressed joy by the conspiracy committees in the UN Security Council, as if they were secretly saying (We originally hoped that you would reject) so that the new committee would not be exposed to the same embarrassment that the first committee faced.
However, this rejection by the Sudanese Foreign Ministry was met with a wave of widespread criticism of the Sudanese government, and in every special session in the UN Security Council, the reports of the international envoys do not fail to address this fabricated, imaginary incident.
Even when the permanent representative of Sudan speaks during the UN sessions, which used to discuss Sudan’s issues at a rate of almost every month, the participants do not forget to remind him and reproach him with Tabet incident.
I mentioned this incident to reveal the level of hypocrisy and misery with which the UN Security Council is now dealing with the tragic events in Sudan, while it turns a blind eye and turns a blind eye to what the Rapid Support RSF Militia is committing against the Sudanese people. The UN Security Council deliberately ignores the horrific incidents against civilians, including looting, plundering, killing, displacement and liquidation of prisoners, a group of crimes committed by the militias, including mass rapes in the neighborhoods of Khartoum, Wad Madani and many areas in Gezira.
The audacity of the Rapid Support RSF Militia has reached the point where they commit mass rapes and force the head of the family to watch them.
If he refuses, they shoot him in the head.
( Al-Arabiya )which is of course a channel that is against the current Sudanese government’s orientations, and is closer to the Rapid Support in covering war news, reported an interview with one of the Sudanese girls who sought refuge in Cairo for treatment for the psychological and physical effects of her and her four sisters being raped by Janjaweed elements. They forced their father to watch the gang rape of his daughters at gunpoint. The witness said that they went to the hospital and when they returned home, they found that their father had committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling of the house, as he could not bear the shame and injustice that had befallen him and his family. This is one of hundreds of tragic stories and tales that my advisors know well. The UN Security Council, but this council did not bother to dedicate a single day to a special session on the horrific violations committed by the Rapid Support RSF Militias in Sudan, which are documented violations by the militias with audacity that seems strange to any perpetrator of a crime, especially the liquidation of Sudanese army SAF prisoners and some unarmed citizens in front of the cameras.
They seem reassured and confident that the World community is with them and strongly supports them, but let them know that the Sudanese people are educated and aware of international political affairs, and they are a people who know very well that the UN Security Council in its current state is being bought and sold by the UAE with its money and overwhelming influence however and whenever it wants, and it now has a seat among the ten non-permanent members.
The UN Security Council has become hostage to the desires of three countries that have no principles or morals.
These countries always talk a lot about international laws, international humanitarian law, international charters and covenants, and about justice, transparency, neutrality, and other humanitarian principles for which the League of Nations was established and then developed into the United Nations.
However, they only talk about these principles in order to make the image appear bright and attractive. This is political hypocrisy that the administrations of these countries know. In their view, the principles of the United Nations UN are merely written documents that are well kept in the drawers of the offices of the United Nations and the UN Security Council, and that is enough.
The other two members of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, namely China and Russia, may seriously move in the opposite direction according to the level of economic interests or the size of the military balance with the country that is being wronged by the three permanent members of the UN Security Council, namely the United States of America USA .France and Britain, which are countries that now support the Rapid Support RSF Militia and coordinate secretly and publicly with the United Arab Emirates (UAE)and hope in their hearts that the militia will achieve victory over the Sudanese army SAF
to restore the framework document and restore a group of agents who obey the orders of the UAE, which is currently sponsoring and financing the terrorist Rapid Support RSF Militia. However, the Sudanese people consider them similar to the Afghan Hamid Karzai, and the UN Security Council should feel a little shame about this shameful silence regarding the violations taking place in Sudan.
The three countries, which are among the most influential permanent members of the UN Security Council, should also know that these three countries are known for their control over the decisions of the UN Security Council and their favoritism and support for Israel in its injustice and in its brutal behavior towards the Palestinians.
These countries have continued to support injustice wherever it is as long as the aggressor is Muslim.
Whether in Gaza, Burma or Khartoum, they must know that the Sudanese people are resistant to taming and defeat. They are among the most honorable and dignified people in the world and reject injustice and contempt.
This people now supports and backs its SAF with great consensus and complete internal alignment, and will never allow the return of the framework and the leaders who came forward to rule Sudan again, or the return of the Rapid Support Forces RSF to the position it was in before April 15, 2023.

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