
Decision Maker to occupy the Houses of the Sudanese.. Abdel Rahim Daglo .. Dismissing the advisor closest to his brother and taking over the political file in the militia

Report – Amir Abdel Majid

A few hours after the spread of a rumor that the Rapid Support RSF Militia had withdrawn from Khartoum and that its bases in Khartoum were no longer present and that what was called the militia’s military police had spread to remove fighters and their families from citizens’ homes in implementation of the decisions of Jeddah Forum.. A few hours later, the commander of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, Mohamed Hamdan Daglo (Hemediti), issued a decision by which he terminated the assignment of Yousuf Ibrahim Ezzat Ismail from the duties of the political advisor according to what a statement by the militia claimed were routine internal arrangements.
But followers linked the decision to dismiss the man who stayed for days on Sudan TV to broadcast the statement of the militia taking over power, and was known for his strong loyalty to the militia leader, they linked it to a tweet in which he said that the absence of the Islamists from the Cairo conference was unjustified because they are a force present in the current scene, which is said to have angered the current de facto leader of the Rapid Support Forces RSF ,Abdel Rahim Daglo, which appeared in Ezzat’s response commenting on the decision to dismiss him, as he referred to the holding of a workshop in Uganda last April in which the militia was restructured and the responsibility for managing the new structure was transferred to the second leader of the Rapid Support Forces RSF ,Abdel Rahim Daglo, under the name of the Civilian Coordination Council for the Rapid Support Forces RSF .
Ezzat added in his response to the decision to dismiss him (after the Rapid Support Forces RSF leader approved this and the work became part of the official Rapid Support Forces RSF structures, I requested my exemption, as neither experience nor convictions allow me to work under the leadership of Abdel Rahim), a statement that clearly showed that the militia leader is not running it now, whatever the reasons, and matters militarily and politically are in the hands of his brother who moves between Uganda, Kenya and Chad In search of mercenaries, at a time when the militia that opened the stadium is facing great difficulties in managing its battles on many fronts that are far apart in terms of areas, the difficulty of communications, and the presence of warplanes on various fronts, addition to the joint force targeting one of their most important incubators, which is the city of Al-Daien, and the frequent news of the movement of forces from the joint towards Al-Geneina, all of which put the militia under pressure in light of the urgent need to make any change on the ground and in light of the shortage of fighters and the difficulty of the movement of what is called panic after the onset of autumn and in light of Abdel Rahim Daglo’s insistence on establishing a political office for the Rapid Support RSF Militia that he leads himself, which means that the political advisors who are working now are Abdel Rahim’s advisors after he became the political official.
Relation with “Taqddum “:

Ezzat is considered one of the close associates of Taqddum Coordination and supporters of Jeddah Platform, which has been actively called for now after the visit of the Saudi envoy and the Ethiopian Prime Minister, and the African Union holding preparatory sessions for a dialogue between the Sudanese civil forces to determine the political path.
There are also the Geneva sessions called for by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Sudan, Ramadan Lamamra, to discuss the humanitarian situation in the country and how to deliver the necessary aid to those affected.
These are meetings in which the army and the militia were invited, and the one who arranged the participants with Taqddum Coordination was mostly Ezzat, who was now dismissed.
The one who dismissed Ezzat is the one who does not trust Taqddum Coordination, and he is the one who leads the militia today and leads its political wing amidst many political variables.
It is clear that the difference in views in dealing with it is what toppled Ezzat and will toppled others. Abdel Rahim Daglo, who ordered his forces to enter and occupy the homes of the Sudanese, will not ask them to leave them, and negotiation will mean nothing to him, nor will the fears of the international and regional community of the collapse of the state. He will find himself facing turbulent political waves, difficult-to-solve crosswords, and changing political positions. Even from countries that supported it.

Movement and repercussions :

Professor Suleiman Baldo, Director of the Sudanese Observatory for Transparency and Policies, says about the intense diplomatic movement now that what is happening on the ground is what prompted the international and regional community to move because no one has an interest in the collapse of the Sudanese state, which is what journalist Osman Mirghani went for, who pointed out that the collapse of the Sudanese state or what remains of it will have wide repercussions on the entire region and on neighboring countries directly, as a number of neighboring countries such as Ethiopia, Chad and South Sudan suffer from a fragile security and economic situation and internal problems that make them unable to tolerate the effects of war spreading to them.
Add to that the fears that Sudan will become a haven for mobile terrorist groups that are always looking for an environment of chaos, and he added (what increases the conviction of a number of countries that it is in their interest not to collapse the Sudanese army SAF or state is what they see as the Rapid Support RSF Militia becoming largely out of the control of its leaders after losing a significant part of its hard power and the joining of large numbers of mercenaries from the Arab diaspora and others to its ranks, and their main concern is looting property and cars and random killing, from here some countries supporting the Rapid Support Forces RSF began to review their positions in order to preserve their interests).

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