
JICA Promises to Help Sudan Reconstruct

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
Minister of Finance Dr. Jibril Ibrahim discussed with representatives of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) during his visit to Japan several important issues related to the humanitarian and development situation in Sudan.
Jibril Ibrahim provided a comprehensive explanation of the difficult humanitarian situation that Sudan is suffering from as a result of the current war in Sudan, stressing the importance of concerted international efforts to confront current challenges.
The meeting touched on discussing the aid and development projects that Japan can provide to Sudan, with a focus on the Kosti water project, which can be carried out under the direct supervision of JICA instead of relying on a third party.
The Minister stressed the vital role that JICA can play in the reconstruction of the affected areas, praising its expertise in this field.
For its part, JICA expressed its thanks and appreciation to the Minister for this important visit, and promised to contribute effectively to the reconstruction efforts. A future visit to Port Sudan was also arranged to discuss more possible development projects.
This visit comes within the framework of strengthening bilateral relations between Sudan and Japan, and working to achieve sustainable development in Sudan through international cooperation and effective partnerships.

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