
Forming a committee to decide on its participation in the political process.. Will the NCP return to the forefront through Addis Ababa meetings?

The debate over the participation of the dissolved National Congress Party NCP in the political process in the country does not end, as talk about it is renewed from time to time between rejection and acceptance. Those who agree to the party’s return justify this by the need to expand the base of participation and not exclude any body from the political process for the benefit of the country, while those who reject it believe that the return of the NCP to the forefront means Sudan’s return to square one and before the December revolution, and they point out that the party is the one that brought Sudan to the stage it is going through now.

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

Discussion of participation
A member of the Democratic Bloc coalition said that the political forces participating in the Addis Ababa meetings approved the formation of a committee to discuss the participation of the dissolved National Congress Party NCP in the political process after the cessation of the war.

According to a source in the Democratic Bloc who spoke to (Sudan Tribune), the formation of the committee came after a heated discussion for two days during the Addis Ababa conference sessions, which witnessed sharp differences over the participation of the National Party NCP

Political deliberations
Last Wednesday, the initial deliberations of the Sudanese political process were launched in the Ethiopian capital, under the auspices of the African Union.
The opening session witnessed the participation of about 20 political blocs and groups; most notably the “Democratic Bloc, Return to the Founding Platform, National Movement Forces, Sudan Alliance for Justice, National Consensus Group, Popular Congress Party NCP and some representatives of the Native Administration.

Apology and Clarification
The Coordination of Civil Democratic powers “Taqddum ” apologized for participating in the first phase meeting of the Sudanese-Sudanese political dialogue in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
It explained that the meeting is dominated by elements of the former regime and its facades and what it called “the forces of war”, which marginalizes and excludes the forces of peace and democratic civil transformation, and weakens their role.
Conditions for Reconciliation
Dr. Fath al-Rahman Muhammad al-Fadhil, head of the Future Builders Party and head of the National Declaration Alliance, said that the National Congress, the Communist Party and all Sudanese political entities must be part of the national reconciliation, noting that this is what they demanded after the revolution, and if it were not for the stubbornness and meanness of the Forces of Freedom and Change FFC ,the country would not have entered into war.
Al-Fadhil pointed out in an interview to (Sudan Events ) that one of the most important causes of the war is exclusion and counter-exclusion, and said, “Therefore, we in the Future Builders Party and all the parties allied with us and all the alliances have continued to call for the necessity of accepting the other, and just as we rejected the exclusion of the National Congress, we also reject the exclusion of (Fight) despite its alliance with the militia, but we are against political isolation, but all those who have been tried for crimes as individuals are prevented and isolated, regardless of whether they are Forces of Freedom and Change FFC or the National Congress, and we leave the isolation of political institutions to the people in the elections,” adding, “These are the most important conditions for any national reconciliation.”

Dismantling Law :

In November 2019, a joint meeting between the Transitional Sovereignty Council and the Council of Ministers approved the “Dismantling the Salvation Regime” law. The law stipulated the dissolution of the National Congress Party, its deletion from the register of political organizations and parties in Sudan, in addition to the dissolution of all the fronts that it used and other organizations affiliated with it or any person or entity associated with it, and the confiscation of its properties and assets for the benefit of the state, but the law to dismantle the Salvation Regime did not prevent the leaders and cadres of the National from participating in political and social activities and events under other umbrellas.

A turbulent situation :

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Coordination of Eastern Sudan Entities, Mubarak Al-Nour, believes that the current political situation in the country is complex and greatly turbulent due to the absence of real political entities that truly represent the Sudanese people.
He said, “The wise people of Sudan have become few and the country needs a strong and honest initiative to save it from the abyss that has befallen it, based on bringing everyone who has committed a crime against the Sudanese people to justice, regardless of their status, and working on a comprehensive national reconciliation that excludes only those who participated in all the crimes committed against the Sudanese people during the cursed war stage that was ignited by the rebel militia, its political incubator, and its supporters inside and outside.” Al-Nour added to (Sudan Events ): “The Sudanese people are represented at this stage by those who are fighting with the armed forces and other regular forces in one trench, and they are the popular resistance and nothing else.

A surprise meeting :

A surprise meeting this year between the African High-Level Mechanism on Sudan and representatives of the dissolved National Congress Party MCP in Cairo had previously sparked controversy within meetings held by the mechanism with the Sudanese parties to stop the ongoing war and hold a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue table.
The meeting included, from the National Congress Party, former Minister of Social Welfare and Development Amira Al-Fadil and former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Osama Faisal, while the African delegation included the head of the mechanism, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, the African Union High Envoy to Silencing the Guns, Simbiosa and Andira, former Ugandan Vice President, and Francisco and Andira, former African Union envoy to Somalia.

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