Improved Seeds from the FAO to Gezira state

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Director General of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources in Gezira state, Arfa Mahmoud Ahmed, explained the ongoing arrangements to make the summer agricultural season 2024/2025 a success in Gezira state, in order to secure food for the citizens of Sudan in general and Gezira state in particular.
She said in press statements that her ministry aims to cultivate 600,000 acres in Umm Al-Qura locality after raising the ceiling of the targeted areas in line with the exit of some areas in unsafe areas, while working to raise productivity vertically, in addition to cultivating 600,000 acres in Al-Managil and Al-Qurashi localities.
She pointed out that the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources is communicating with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) by approving the granting of 408 tons of improved maize seeds to Gezira state for the aforementioned localities, stressing the ministry’s keenness and determination to make the current agricultural season a success and overcome all obstacles.