
About the communication between Lt.Gen.Burhan and Mohamed Bin Zayed

Osman Jalal : writes


And if I forget, I will not forget a profound statement by Dr. Al-Turabi, may Allah have mercy on him and forgive him, the essence of which is that profound change is based primarily on dialogue and intellectual and political exchange, as he says, and the text is from my memory: “I dialogue and do not despair, and the radicals are people who admire the method of revolutionary change, and these people thought that all history moves with revolutions, so history does not move with revolutions unless the new is suppressed and not permitted to emerge, so the basis of change is if you are greeted with a greeting, then greet with a better one or return it.” Regarding pragmatism in dialogue without giving up on the fundamental issues of the state and the nation, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres says in his dialogues with Boutros Boutros-Ghali, which were published in the book Sixty Years of Conflict in the Middle East (We have exhausted Hafez al-Assad, as he continues with us in the dialogue from the edge of the abyss to its mouth without compromising or giving up his strategic cause), and the theorist of the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin, says in his book Compromise (A revolutionary is not one who boasts that he will not make concessions, but rather a revolutionary is one who makes concessions whenever that is possible, and he clings to his principles with his molars).
The essence of lessons and morals is that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, signed the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah despite the opposition of the Companions, but the leader always looks to the future.
The result of the treaty was the conquest of Mecca, followed by the greatest strategic conquest. I saw people entering the religion of God in droves, then the movement of the call moved from local and regional to global. Before that, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, wanted to give up half of the fruits of Medina to dismantle the army of the parties and lift the siege on the city.
Then the army of the parties disintegrated in its contradictory internal structure, and the strategic result was (From now on, we will invade them and they will not invade us).
If that is the case, then welcome to the communication and dialogue between the President of the Sovereignty Council TSC,Lt. Gen.Al-Burhan, and the President of the Emirates, Mohamed bin Zayed.
Dialogue has been the slogan of the army leadership since the October 2021 corrective decisions. Lt. Gen. Al-Burhan announced the withdrawal of the military institution from the political process, and called on the political forces to agree on managing the tasks of the transitional phase. However, the FTC or Taqddum coalition insisted on monopolizing power and allied with the Rapid Support Forces RSF leadership and raised the slogan “either the framework or war.”
Then this criminal alliance launched its terrorist war on the state, the SAF and society with ugliness and the absence of moral sense and values ​​of manhood.
And Sudanese chivalry as you know. The war that the Sudanese people and our valiant army are waging has a specific strategic goal, which is to eliminate the terrorist Daglo family militia from its roots and prevent its reproducing militarily, politically or economically, and to try the leadership of the Taqddum Alliance for criminal partnership.
As for the public and moral trial, the Sudanese people have sentenced them to political execution forever.
Therefore, any dialogue with the external parties supporting the terrorist Daglo family /Taqdum militia alliance must achieve this strategic goal, and the most important goal is not to compromise sovereignty and supreme national interests.
Any dialogue with external parties supporting Daglo family /Terrorist Taqddum militia alliance should not dampen the spirits and determination to continue mobilization, alert, and comprehensive popular and armed resistance from Kalashnikov to tanks to defeat the criminal militia from every home, every neighborhood, every village, every city, every locality, every state, and every grain of Sudanese soil that the militia has defiled.
Any negotiation with these external parties supporting Daglo family /Terrorist Taqddum alliance should not lead to stopping the process of maturing strategic partnerships between Sudan, Russia, China, Turkey, Qatar, and Iran, as these are Sudan’s strategic partners in achieving the goals of the war, reconstruction, and reviving comprehensive national renaissance projects.

Friday 7/19/2024

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