Campaign to ward off the effects of Autumn in Al-Khayari Mining Market

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Sudanese Mineral Resources Company (SMRC) Limited, in cooperation with Al-Butana Locality, launched a major campaign to ward off the effects of Autumn and improve the environment in Al-Khayari Mining Market and Al-Sabbagh, Al-Butana Locality headquarters and its neighboring areas.
The Environment and Safety Supervisor at the company’s office in Gedarif state, Shafi Mustafa, said that the campaign aims to remove the effects of Autumn and eliminate the vectors of diseases associated with it in order to provide a safe working environment for workers in Al-Khayari Mining Market, the locality headquarters and citizens, noting that the campaign included collecting waste and drying its places through fog spraying operations, addition to preparing a landfill for waste in the area.
Shafi explained that the campaign is one of the regular programs that the company has been implementing within the framework of social responsibility projects.