
Behind the News .. Famine.. and Baseness

Mohamed Wadaa


Let these people mention by name any city or village suffering from hunger, or any of the shelters that do not provide free meals

Does the United Nations have employees in these areas? Then let them publish these reports and documented information

These failed voices did not talk about the starvation and siege of Tuti, nor Al-Fatehab nor Al-Abbasiya, they did not talk about the siege and starvation of Al-Fasher

No one thinks that the World community is saddened by the situation of the Sudanese, and turns a blind eye to the catastrophe in Palestine

Without introduction, an organized and coordinated campaign was launched to talk about famine in Sudan, and unfortunately political leaders participated in this campaign without shame, not out of mercy (for the hungry), but out of spite and service to the foreign agenda, because these failed voices did not talk about the starvation and siege of Tuti, nor Al-Fatehab nor Al-Abbasiya, they did not talk about the siege and starvation of Al-Fasher, and they did not hear about the looting and theft of food and money stores from Citizens’ pockets, and do not realize that what happened in these areas is considered a war crime under international humanitarian law and human rights law, and there are documented reports and testimonies from citizens from these areas affirming that the Rapid Support RSF Militia prevents the arrival of food and medicine and restricts the movement of residents and prevents them from leaving combat zones.
These voices were based on (alleged) reports from the United Nations, without any numbers, or specifying specific areas, and does the United Nations have employees in these areas?
So let them publish these reports and documented information, and are there organizations working in these areas? Who displaced the residents from the agricultural areas? And who looted agricultural inputs and equipment? Isn’t it the Rapid Support Militia RSF?

These cracked voices do not distinguish between famine and food shortages, and do not know the difference between food scarcity and the ability to buy it due to the impoverishment practiced by the militia by stealing and looting citizens’ money and savings, these hoarse voices did not see in all of this a crime that must be denounced and condemned, and they are war crimes and violations of human rights that are indisputable.

However, let them mention any city or village by name that is suffering from hunger, or any shelters that do not provide free meals.
Are there documented numbers and statistics on cases of hunger or malnutrition? Does this happen in areas controlled by the militia?
Haven’t these people, including those who brag about nationalism, noticed that they did not remember the children and women who are dying in Gaza, due to the Zionist airstrikes while they were crowding around the relief trucks? Haven’t they heard about the bombing of schools and hospitals and the killing of patients and doctors?
Haven’t they seen the Israeli drones killing volunteers in the central kitchen (the hospice) while they were helping to feed the Palestinians?
No one believes you, and no one thinks that the international community is saddened by the Sudanese people’s plight and is turning a blind eye to the catastrophe in Palestine. It makes no difference. International interests require the killing of the people of Gaza without mercy, and the same interests work to support the militia to starve, kill and displace the Sudanese, ethnic cleansing and settlement by force of arms. This is baseness.

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