Society & Culture

Musician Ali Al-Zein: “Free Kick” is a free, non-profit forum

Sudan Events – Magda

Musician Ali Al-Zein announced the continuation of the Sudanese cultural forum “Free Kick” in Cairo. Al-Zein pointed out that the forum is a free, non-profit cultural forum held weekly every Saturday at the Ali Al-Zein Center for Culture and Arts in its first headquarters in Sudan, where all artists (musicians, writers, instrumentalists and theater people) meet. It is a free space for artists, art lovers and young people to present artistic and cultural works, exchange ideas and inspiration, and introduce interested young artists to the artistic scene by taking to the stage and surprising the audience with their talents.
The forum brought together artists of different ages and artistic colors, which increased the intellectual enrichment and aroused astonishment and passion in the souls of its visitors. Many artistic ideas and initiatives emerged from it in Sudanese society, and many artists and poets were born from the womb of the forum, who are considered the best in the artistic arena today. It is worth mentioning that the forum began in 2010 after the opening of the Ali Al-Zein Center and continued until 2014 until the center was closed by the State Security Service of the previous government, and thus the activities, including (Free Kick), were stopped for a number of years. Al-Zein added, “Now we are the ones trying to survive. We invite you to revive the forum again from Cairo. It is time for us to gather the fragments of our souls and rise again like the Phoenix (We are the ones who will survive in the end, we are the virtuous ones, we are the ones who sing in the street, in the mud houses).”

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